Chapter 5: "And deliver.... me from evil"

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Zipporah POV

Hours earlier

"So how was your day," Anne asked as Zipporah came back from the garden after her meeting with Arthur her head filled with confusion and fear she collapsed on her bed tired

"Oh it was fine" Zipporah responded "Really?..." Anne responded as she finished folding her napkin and placed it on the armchair

"Well I have heard a slight rumor around the hospital" Anne replied as she acted innocent.

"What is it " Zipporah asked as she shut her eyes and rubbed her head

"Well apparently it seems that the gentleman Arthur Covington has asked that he should stroll with a particular somebody" Zipporah immediately opened her eyes and stopped rubbing her temples.

she sat up and looked at Anne a grin danced on her face and her eyebrow quirked up her hands in her hips Zipporah sighed and hit a pillow on her head and groaned Anne sat beside her on her bed "Does everyone know about this?" Anne nodded Zipporah sighed.

"Don't worry i don't object" Anne replied "Why?" Zipporah asked "Well one your my best friend and I don't object you making new ones especially if it is my cousin Arthur and two this can be an opportunity for you socializing with other"

Zipporah groaned again "I'm worried Anne Miss Wellington is not going to take this lightly"

"What do you mean?" Anne asked "she insists that I stay out of the patient's way and judging the importance to the Earl I shouldn't even breathing the same air as that man" Zipporah replied

"Why it is not that she will..." Anne replied stopping herself as she saw Zipporah remained quiet not looking at her.

Anne understood immediately what Zipporah meant her face was really worried her hands shot at her mouth she looked back at Zipporah who was really scared as she knew what Miss Wellington would do to her if she was not careful with her friendship with Arthur growing.

"Zipporah I..." "I have to get ready I am on night duty again" Zipporah interrupted

she stood up from her bed away from Anne she took her bag and stood in the mirror fixing her hair Anne stood up and took a shawl and a lamp she covered Zipporah with the shawl from her back Zipporah turned around to find her beloved friend in close to tears

"Zipporah I'm so sorry" Anne said finally "It is not your doing Anne" said Zipporah comforting Anne "I just don't like seeing you like this" Anne spoke out " I am used to it" Zipporah hugged Anne "May God protect you" Zipporah let go of Anne she smiled and nodded at Anne she left the room.

"Please LORD, watch over her" Anne silently prayed.


Zipporah walked through the dark corridors steadily holding her candle. 
she went around the corner quietly trying not to wake anyone she heard floorboards creek behind her and a door opening and her candle blew off she gasped as she turned around she saw no one there she sighed relieved and turned on her candle however, when she turned around candle she turned around to another corner only to meet Miss Wellington her eyes filled with fury.

"Mis Wellington I-" "You're coming with me" she shouted she grabbed Zipporahs wrist painfully and dragged her Zipporah tried to resist but that only made her grip tighter she was dragged to a dark cold room Miss Wellington lit up light and put it onto the desk her shoulders hunched and Zipporah heard growling from Miss Wellington.

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