Chapter 6: The Call to New Life

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Author note:

Hello, my fellow readers now it is the great moment you have all been waiting for the spectacular opening the most extraordinary Episode of this book which focuses on the core aspect of such peace and joy-filled this book of a New Life in Christ...

but I won't spoil ;) enjoy


On with the story


The Next Day Sunday Morning

Zipporah sat on a normal chair while Anne was cleaning her wounds on her face Zipporah constantly winced when Anne touched her face as she felt a sharp pain from her cut cheek, nose injury and bruised and cut lip she decided to distract herself by thinking of what had happened as she regularly did.

She thought on how terrified she was with her recent encounter with Miss Wellington how her blood turned cold her heartbeat rapidly.

Then she remembered how Arthur rescued her from her fatal final blow.

she couldn't remember much as she passed out on the cold carpet floor but she found herself awakened into a warm bedroom.

it was decorated and clean but she found herself under a bed covered by a large mans cloak how she sat up afraid only to find out that she was in Arthur's room.

she saw how he tried to reason with her but out of fear she ran out of the bedroom and fell on Anne's arms crying and hugging her tightly.

But most importantly she was very very keen on how Arthur found her and how she was miraculously relieved before his arrival.

she remembered how she prayed the Our Father she was scared but she remembered how she was ushered into peace and remembered her 1st prayer "God help me" she thought of this very deeply.

"Are you well?" Anne said which brought Zipporah back to reality Zipporah was silent and bowed her head Anne lifted her head with her curled finger "I'm fine I was just scared" Zipporah replied.

"What happened" "What do you mean?" asked Zipporah "When you came back in a hurry and in tears" Zipporah lowered her head again from Anne's touch "Miss Wellington she..."

Anne watched Zipporah cautiously she saw how Zipporah was filled with fear and brokenness Zipporah inhaled sharply and said honestly "I was beaten, she hit me "

Anne covered her mouth "I was so afraid Miss Wellington raised her arm with a shattered lamp I could've I have been severely injured or even worse"

Zipporah trailed off "I was trapped there and then I knew my life would probably be over that I would've died alone, until I remembered I didn't know if it would work but I prayed the prayer you always did every morning"

Anne opened her eyes again looking at Zipporah whose head was still down "You call it the Our Father didn't you" Anne nodded "After I prayed the prayer I... I don't know I suddenly felt this peace and I was tranquil I don't know what or who it was exactly"

Anne's mouth parted slightly as she stared at Zipporah "Then suddenly I remembered" Remembered what Anne asked as Zipporah trailed off staring at the floor.

"What my adoptive father said" "He said Zipporah always remembers despite your skin and background of where you come from or your situation life is Hard turn and depends on him"

"I wasnt sure what it meant and even till now I still dont know" " So I asked God to help me I wouldn't count myself as being an Atheist for I do know that the Earth was created it couldn't have just happened I knew something was behind it so I asked God to help me and then suddenly"

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