Chapter 2- Brian the absoult ledge

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The apartment up top.

"Are you okay dear?" A woman asked coming up to her

Caitlin just stood there frozen barley registering her words "where am I?" She croaked when she finally found her voice, Caitlin didn't have her medical degree yet but she had diagnosed herself with shock.

Because she had just walked into an abandoned diner which wasn't tun down at all and seemed brand new and it was almost defitntly filled with peolple.

"Are you feeling okay honey?" The woman with blonde curled hair and red lipstick asked, in Caitlins opinion she looked a Marilyn Monroe like a wanna be.

She blinked at the woman for a moment "I'm sorry but this might be a silly question but what's the date?"

"The full date?"

Caitlin nodded and waited anxiously for her anwser.

"Well its September 29th 1953 of course"

Caitlin froze "1953" she repeated looking around the diner at the womans strange look Caitlin added "September 29th" so she didn't sound weird

"Are you feeling okay?" The woman asked again glancing back at a man behind the bar area.

"Yeah" she said and as she did a breeze flew in and enveloped her Caitlin shivered and wrapped her arms around herself.

"Good heavens You look pale and I've just been stood hear running my mouth questioning you where are my manners? Go sit down, I'll get you some coffee on the house" she lead Caitlin towards and table before she could object "Oh you poor thing" she smiled sympathetically as she stuided Caitlins pale completion "it's the cold, it messes with people's minds" she laughed making up and exscuse for Caitlin.

"Yeah" Caitlin agreed "I've never coped well with the cold"

She smiled "Can I get you anything to eat? A slice of apple and cherry pie perhaps?"

Caitlin was about to tell the overly peppy woman that she didn't have any money but then she remebered the coin purse that the old woman had given her which for some reason had carried through to the past? With her.

A quick discreet squeeze of the purse confirmed it still had money in it.

So she nodded despite feeling sick to her stomach and despite the fact she had last eaten not an hour or 2 ago or -66 years ago she had no idea the entire thing was just bizzar.

No way could Caitlin be in 1953.

After her first bite of Apple and cherry pie she concluded that she was either defifntly crazy and the song lyrics in her head were a sign of that or she had slipped into some sort of weird coma.

She wasn't dreaming, she'd pinched herself as soon as the thought occurred to her.

But the fact remained if this was some kind of hallucination why was she in a diner in 1953? Why did the peolple seem so real? And why was the pie so dam good? Surely if this wasn't real she wouldn't be able to taste the pie.

The coffee wasn't the best Caitlin had ever had but it wasn't the worst but she drank two cups anyway.

Time ticked by slowly but Caitlins worried and fears didn't, she had no idea where she was and if it really was the 1950s then Caitlin didn't want to risk doing anything crazy like telling the truth about when she was from or asking questions about how to get back becuse she didn't want to be put in an insane asylum.

So Caitlin was stuck, because seeking help could possible land her in a stright jacket and over medicated.

"We're closing soon" the Marilyn Monroe waitress announced "we have a telephone in the back you can use to call your husband to come pick you up" she offered glancing at Caitlins ring finger

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