chapter 8- things are getting real

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I hope your all okay and I'm not going to tell you to wash your hands becuase nine if you are 5 fucking years old so you've hopefully you've been washing your hands properly anyway and these new reminds aren't affecting your life.

After a few days Rosie's chicken pox started to heal over and she felt a lot better so they went to the dinner for dinner.

Sherry brought her the opposite of what she ordered, complaining Caitlin was too thin, the new waitress they were training was nice, her name was Paula and she was younger than Caitlin and apparently the priest's Daughter.

Sherry caught her on her way back from the bathroom "so have you accepted the job"

Caitlin hesitated "yes I think so, I just have to tell him"

Sherry beamed at her "I'm so happy for you and them I'm sure you'll all be a good fit"

Nodding caitlin released a breath "I hope so"

Sherry gave her a reassuring smile "you're going to be amazing" she assured her then led her back to the table "are you ordering dessert?" She asks her question directed to Barry 

"Uh-" he glances at Catlin and his eyes flicker to Rosie "it's up to Caitlin"

Caitlin glances over at the clock then winces slightly "it's late and your tired"

"But Barry always lets me get ice cream" she pouted 

"Well I'm not Barry" she said gently "and it's your bedtime soon and we don't want you hyped up in sugar"


"Maybe next time"

Rosie looks like she's about to argue but Barry speaks before she can "it's Caitlins decision and if she says not this time, then not this time" 

Barry stand and hands the money for the food to Sherry "thankyou"

"No problem, I'll see you tomorrow Caitlin when you come get your stuff"

"My stuff" Caitlin repeated numbly "you mean all my stuff..." she trailed off 

"Well just assumed you'd want to get them sooner rather than later" she said awkwardly and looked at Barry then back at Caitlin "are you not going to stay with them?"

"Um Caitlin hasn't made a concrete decision yet"

"Oh" she said pursing her unnaturally  red lips "that's okay doll take all the time you need"

Rosie's hand slipped into hers and she rested against her side and Caitlin looked down at her smiling "ready to go?"

For a second Barry almost thought she would say 'home' but she didn't, instead she picked Rosie up and she nuzzled sleepily into her shoulder.

Rosie falls asleep in the car and barrys the one who puts her to bed, while Caitlin steps out of her shoes and starts to pull the uncomfortable pins out of her hair.

She lets her hair out the pony tail and cringes at how her hair feels thanks to all the cheap hair spray, it's nothing like the hair spray in 2019 it made her hair feel brittle and like straw it smells weird and took ages to get out and it was drying out her hair.

She had just finished combing her fingers through her hair and unbuttoning her cardigan and draping it over the sofa when Barry  came back downstairs.

"She's asleep" Barry said sounding exhausted. He had finished work at 6 thanks to his boss being an idiot and when he got home he was bombarded by Rosie asking him if they could go to Brian's for dinner because she was better now.

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