chapter 7- trail run

177 11 2

Un edited. Ment to publish this ages ago.

The next morninng

Caitlin woke up around 7 to the loght streaming through thr window and the sound of water running in the kitchen.

She got dressed and tied her hair up before walking out of thr spare room, she checked on Rosie in the room next to her and found her still asleep then made her way down stiars.

She found Barry making coffee in the kitchen and he gestured for her to take a seat at the table "coffee?"

She nodded took a seat feeling kinda of odd it was usually her who was serving him.

She noticed the pan on the stove and could just make out the eggs boiling in the water, "did you sleep well?" Barry asked handing her the mug

Honsestly she had been unsettled at first sleeping in a new place had always been hard for her even more so given the fact she was in a diffrent era, the matress flater then her memory foam one and not nearly as comfortable but it was better then her one in the diner apartment, she didn't have a duvet instead she had piles of knitted blankets and a thin cotton comforter but she wasmt cold.

Barry had given her a nighty that was alittle tight around the arms, it was made out of polyester and fell down to the floor and had a high collar and it made her miss the over sized T-shirts and shorts she slept in at home.

"I slept fine thankyou... how'd you sleep?"

"Good" Barry took the chair opposite her her and took a long slip of hid coffee

She nodded wordlessly not bothering to bring up the fact she had herd him walk past her room and down the stairs at 5.

"So what do you do for work? Sherry said your family owned a bank but you sold it"

Barry shook his head "you shouldn't listen to everything sherry says, I didn't sell the bank I just stopped working there but I still own it, it's just run by a family friend now"

She nodded in understanding "my mother owns a reserch company they look into radioactive matrials and how they can be used in medicine and eventually the company branched off and she had to hired someone to over see that new branch but that doesn't make her less involved"

Barry was frowning "who's your mother?

It was then she realised ehat she said women in this time didn't build scientific reserch companies from the ground up.

"I-I mean my family started the company" she said awkwardly "can we talk about something else?"

"Sherry might've mentioned that your husband got your friend pregant"

Caitlin huffed almost laughing "he wasn't my husband and I only suspected she was pregant"

That wasn't a lie because Caitlin had noticed she was throwunf up alot and getting fat that didn't mean she was pregnant of course but it was still a suspicion.

"Im sorry"

"Don't be he wasn't the best person, we just... co-existed"

He nodded but he didn't understand.

The kitchen door opened and they wstched as rosie walked in eyes still red with sleep and hands itching under her arms.

"Good morning" Caitlin greeted

Rosie tubbed her eyes "you sleeped over"

"I did, do you feel better?"

Rosie shook her head then climbed into Caitlins lap "it's itchy"

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