Prologue: Lost

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 The eleven-year-old girl trudged through the forests of Amaya. The distant songs of blackbirds guiding her aimless wandering. Light was seeping through the dense green canopy of trees, and the woods were greeted by a new dawn.


          That's all she could remember. Her name was Tezra. She didn't know where she was, why she was here, or where here even was. She decided to continue exploring the woods, and maybe, just maybe she'll find someone familiar. What was this place?

          She didn't know how long it had been, but she was exhausted after walking for so long. What were her options at this point? She supposed she could head for a nearby village, maybe see a healer to find out what was wrong with her. But pure instinct told her that wouldn't work.

          Tezra, are you still there?

          The young girl froze. Was she imagining a voice?

          No, you're not.

          Tezra looked around her; there was no one but wild squirrels in sight. Who could have possibly spoken to her?

          "Who.....Who are you?" She asked, both cautious and curious to discover the owner of the voice. A few moments passed, and no one responded. She was beginning to think she had imagined the whole thing.

My name is Galactic

          She blinked, "Who?" She asked again.

          Dear Erdas, don't tell me I took that from your memory too. Every child in the world knows of the Lost Galactic.

"Well, I don't- wait a minute, you took my memories?"

          Oh come on, don't make it sound so bad. Besides, I had no choice. I couldn't have you blabbering to the rest of the worthless humans about how Galactic the Griffin was found. It's ridiculous enough I need one of your kind to help me.

          "What do you mean 'my kind'?" Tezra asked, scrunching her eyebrows.

          Humans. The ones that forced me into hiding in the first place. The ones that caused the disappearance of those seven, who used to be my greatest friends... And now they're making the exact mistake I warned them not to.

          Tezra was confused. Thinking hard, she realized she did have a little recollection of Galactic the griffin. He was the ruler of Erdas, who watched over the seven Beasts of Legend. He couldn't be here anymore though, old myths said he vanished from this world long ago, followed by the seven.

          You must have questions, Galactic said in her mind. And I will answer every one of them. As soon as you agree to help me. Free me from this eternal prison, and believe me when I say that the fate of Erdas rests on this. Please, Tezra.

           She contemplated this. Galactic had her memories, and he was the ancient Lost Guardian of Erdas. Something, a strange force, edged Tezra on. Something told her the griffon wasn't lying. If Galactic wasn't freed, Erdas would fall.

          "Alright," She said, taking a deep breath. "I will help you." Again, the girl was greeted by a few moments of silence.

          Are you sure? Galactic asked.

          "Why wouldn't I be?"

Because, his deep voice rumbled with the energy of all the land. Helping me means drawing enemies towards yourself. The last person to attempt to free me is dead. His name was Lycaon Hunter.

          Lycaon Hunter. Tezra had a feeling that name was important, definitely something she should remember.

          "It doesn't matter," She said confidently. "I'll do whatever I can to help you, but first, at least explain everything. Haven't you been silent for thousands of years? Why choose now to show yourself again?"

          As I said, my friends are making a grave mistake. Galactic's fury seems to manifest into words as Tezra listened. They plan on conspiring with the humans, who by now they should know are their greatest enemies.

          "That's... A little harsh, don't you think?" Tezra said slowly. "It's a little offensive of you to claim all humans are enemies." The griffon gave an amused laugh.

          I disagree, his voice rang. Although I've been trapped, my spirit still lingers. I can see into every soul in the world, and I have met next to no humans whose heart is not filled with greed. My companion, Lycaon, was an exception. Now he's gone from the world, but my disappointment with what the world has become lingers.

          Galactic went quiet again, as if thinking, or waiting for something.

          Ahh, now I see. Liu has never been one to wait. I suppose there's no stopping that fiery reptile. Is that Andru I hear? My old friend, I thought you were wiser than this. And what's that? It looks to me even the true Conejo is following closely behind. 

          Galactic sounded quite distressed, though Tezra didn't recognize any of the names he was thinking of. The ancient guardian seemed to be sending her flashes of what he was seeing. Tezra closed her eyes, and saw the scene of a bright purple streak diving towards the earth. An eastern dragon, soon joined by a snow-white bird and grace-filled horse. A blazing phoenix soared after them, and the vision turned dark, only returning to light to reveal a ferocious black dog.

          Listen to me Tezra, the seven have begun their return, starting with their leader. You must free me before they do.

I will not let the Beasts of Legend fall again. Not on my watch.

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