8. Forest Leaves

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The following morning at Greenhaven Island, Kolin Tanzey woke up realizing he was supposed to be in the training room, and was already running late. Not the greatest impression for the Greencloaks.

Andru the bear was seemingly also asleep, unmoving on a carpet in the corner. A moment later, he lifted his head and blinked, the morning light soaking into his golden fur

Kolin cracked a smile at the bear as he got up and made his way over to his summoner.

"Morning Andru," He said. Sitting up, he stroked the long and coarse fur, and finally pulled himself out of bed to get ready for the day.

A while later, Kolin was rushing through the hallways of Greenhaven castle, desperately trying to figure out where the training room was. He didn't exactly have the greatest sense of direction, and unfortunately, Andru didn't seem to either.

Seriously, the bear took the lead at one point and they ended up in Ylva's room. The girl wasn't there, but the wolf was, Kolin had been face to face with becoming her dinner.

"Could have been worse, I suppose," He muttered to the bear as they continued on their way, "At least you didn't take me to Rae's room,"

Finally, after bumping into six greencloaks, asking for directions five times, and walking into at least a dozen wrong rooms, Kolin and Andru found the training room. Only took about half an hour.

Surprisingly, he seemed pretty early. So far, only Talona, Shen, and Sucia were there, which he deemed strange as the clock on his wall had stated he was half an hour late when he woke up.

"Hey," He said, walking up to Talona. The Amayan girl was stroking the fur of Conejo the jackalope, and Kolin realized they were probably haven't a silent mental conversation.

Talona smiled when she saw him, lifting Conejo into her arms,

"Hey, didn't think you'd be here so early," She said.

"What do you mean early?" Kolin said, confused, "I thought we were supposed to be here like an hour ago, where is everyone?" Talona raised an eyebrow at him.

"Uh, Kolin, I don't know what time you're running on, but we were told to be here in twenty more minutes. I just came early because I couldn't sleep was all."

"Oh, well that's strange... I could have sworn ...Ah, never mind," He shook his head. "So, uh, why couldn't you sleep again?"

"Um, it's nothing, really. So what do you think we're doing today?" Talona changed the subject so quickly, Kolin was sure she was holding something back. He decided not to ask.

In the far end of the room, Shen, the summoner of Liu the dragon was examining an arrangement of swords. He was quiet, Kolin wasn't sure when was the last time he'd heard the boy say more than a few words. In the other corner of the room was Sucia, her eyes fixed on Shen with a resting glare on her face. Kolin didn't know what that was about.

The door creaked open, and Kolin was almost sure he literally felt ice coat his skin. Ylva and Rae walked in, both looking tense, and walking as far away from each other as possible once they entered the room. Rae muttered something under her breath to the dog, Ikaito, and Ylva stood next to Pegasus, scowling at a wall.

"What's their deal," Talona muttered quietly, as so only Kolin and Conejo could hear her.

Oh, trust me, Conejo said, this time deciding Kolin could listen in too, You really don't want to know.

"That one's wolf nearly ate me this morning," He casually threw out.

The door opened again, and Kolin grinned, expecting to see Caspian, but the person who entered was definitely not Caspian.

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