𝟩. Hounds of Black and White

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As everyone filed out of the room, heading to their individual rooms in the castle that Leila had shown them, Rae decided there was no putting this off. Fuelled by raging memories and a thirst for justice to be served, she carefully waited until everyone had headed their separate ways, and made a point to go the complete opposite direction of where she knew her room was.

Instead, she trailed Ylva Hunter, silently, as the master of stealth that Rae was. Ikaito was close behind her, the dog clearly sensing something was bothering his summoner.

She followed the girl up the stairs at a clear distance, as to make sure the wolf of hers didn't sense Rae's presence. She stopped at the turning point of a corridor, and watched as Ylva entered the room with the winged horse, and came back out with only the arctic wolf.

Rae continued to trail her as Ylva headed back down another set of stairs, making a turn towards the back door which would lead to the Greenhaven gardens. Rae decided now would be a good time.

"Ylva Hunter," Rae spoke, both confidence and bitterness in her voice. "It's been quite a while, hasn't it? I see the white wolf of yours is still well,"

Ylva turned around, clearly trying to keep herself composed, but Rae could so easily see right past the mask she was putting on. Her theories were correct, this was the same girl.

"Quite a while?" She said slowly, "I don't know what you're talking about Rae, I've never so much as seen you before today,"

"A killer and a liar I see," Rae scoffed as she walked towards the golden-haired girl. "You can try to tell false stories to anyone else in this castle, but only a fool would lie to me,"

"I'm being honest," She said, clear dishonesty written all over her face, "Even if we crossed paths before, which I'm sure we haven't, I have no recollection of who you are,"

"Really?" Rae asked, sarcasm coming through a little, "If you don't remember me, surely you know my sister. Her name was Jasmine Rodriguez."

Ylva's face stiffened, but to Rae's exasperation, still wouldn't give in.

"No, actually, I've never heard of this Jasmine ever before in my life,"

That was the last straw for Rae. She tried, she really did try, but anger got the best of her. At the speed of light, she lunged at Ylva, who was nowhere near prepared. In a flash of pure rage, Rae had Ylva pinned against the wall, a throwing dagger at her throat.

Then, Rae realized a blade was at her own neck as well. Now, it was a game of instincts. One false move, and either of them could get hurt.

"I'd choose my next move carefully, Rae," Ylva said, not looking the least bit fazed.

"So would I, Ylva," She sneered, "Or should I call you the Moonlight Mare?" Her grip tightened around her dagger, two pairs of blue eyes that locked against each other.

"Call me that name once more time, I dare you," The room seemed to darken, the softy-lit corridor becoming cold with shadows. It was so coincidental that the two should cross paths again, but Rae took this as a blessing from the heavens.

"You killed Jasmine," Rae felt her voice raise as she finally said it out loud. Years of wondering who had taken her sister away, with only a glimpse of blonde hair and a white wolf as her clues. Rae had finally found her.

Rae could feel Ylva's heavy breathing, and could see her fearless act falling apart.

"You have no proof that was me," Ylva said, poison in her voice, "And what do you want me to do? Jasmine's death was years ago, I can't change the past,"

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