Chapter 5: Life

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The song I will be adding in my story is at the top if you want to listen to it or have never heard it before and btw I love billie


My eyes greet the dayshine, my heart and lungs expand and see the sunlight shone through the window, lying on the tiled floor like a jar of honey.

Must've fallen asleep while playing X2C Matic 3

I walk to the medium sized bathroom  to see what should have been glossy chestnut, straightened hair was a fractious mess of tangles.

I brush my hair to make it look better and I brush my teeth. Afterwards, I walked into the kitchen where my auntie notices me awake, she sets my plate of breakfast on the table and looks at me.

"God, instead of helping my clean up around the house all you've been doing is playing video games," she sighs.

I mentally face palm myself.

"I'm sorry auntie, it won't happen again," I apologize.

She nods and tells me to come eat.

I obey.

My plate is filled with traditional english breakfast and I don't know where to start first.

"School starts Monday," she says from the sink.

My mind reacts abnormally.

"Darn," I say.

"Darn for you, yay for me," she laughs.

15 seconds pass by.

"I'm so not ready."

"That's understandable."

"That's easy for you to say. You haven't been to school in what, 40 years," I tell her.

She walks over to me and slaps my arm firmly in disappointment "I am not that old."

She sits across from me "But I remember when I was your age and I hated school but I got through it and I know you can too," she encourages.

I nod.

"But no matter what, go to school because you need your education to be able to succeed. Trust me, your mom would be proud," she smiles slightly then walks to the living room to clean up.

After I'm done eating I get dressed debating on whether I should wear denim blue jeans with a skin tight shirt or a open back short sleeve shirt.

I decide to go bold with the open back shirt. I step outside and greet the sun. The orange hued rays of sunrise kissed the still dust laden rubble.

Staring at the radiating glow of the clouded sky I felt the sun hugging my skin, making it feel warm.

My phone went off like an annoyed rattlesnake, I scoop it up and knew Faith would be coming in a few minutes.

A few minutes later

Faith's POV

I walked to see Allison and she smiled.

Her smile was one of the happiness growing, much like a spring flower blooming. I could see it came from deep inside to light her eyes and spread into every part of her. It seems so genuinely sweet with just that unexpected warmth that rushes through me.

My mouth twitched and I was pretty sure I was fighting a smile back but I end up laughing and we hug.

"Wanna go down to the beach? My friend can drive us," I say.

She nods.

"Okay," I whistled for his cue to drive and pick us up.

"You knew this was gonna happen, didn't you?" she says.

"Yep, now let's go!" I say cheerily.

She rolls her eyes but then let's a smile sit on her face.

She climbs in his burgundy red jeep and begins to introduce herself but cuts it short and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Faith! You didn't tell me your friend was a guy!" She whisper yells to me.

"Relax, it's fine. He's just our driver, okay?" I convince her to calm down.

She does.

"Fine but if I get in trouble I'm blaming you," she crosses her arms like a child and sits back.

"That's the spirit," I smile in satisfaction.

                     Allison's POV

550 seconds pass by and we arrive at the beach where I'm assuming a few friends are chattering about how cold the water is.

I jump out and look down at the clothes I've chosen to wear.

"If you would've told me that we were coming here today I would've wore something different," I tell Faith.

A tall guy with dark and lustrous hair, had a sheen like fine hardwood that fit greatly with his hazel eyes that were a melt of autumn tones. Fleckles, light, delicate: sprinkled softly on his sun kissed cheeks. His lips were a pale pink white reminded me of a rose bud. The top lip was thinner and the bottom was larger and more plush.

He stopped a few feet away from the shore to take in nature's beauty and the cool breeze whistling through his hair.

The sand is the most gentle hue of gold, almost earthen and muted.

The water looked like looking into someone's blue eyes. Beautiful and glossy.

Long slow waves washed over the shallow beach.

After we view the beach, we say our goodbyes and go back home.

As much as I hate to say it, I was actually looking forward to swimming.

What a lame day.

I return home where Faith says she has to cook and clean up for her grandma's company later on.

I open the door, walk in and close it. I need some excitement in my life sheesh.

I go to my room, lay on my bed, and play My Strange Addiction by Billie Eilish.

Listening to the arithmetic beat of the bass feels me with warmth. It floods through my blood, almost changing the beat of my heart matching with it's own. My earbuds splits me apart from the reality of the world.

And I like it. It makes me feels safe.

I slowly begin to feel my eyes grow sleepy and I fade into the darkness.

YO... SORRY FOR THE DELAY ONCE AGAIN. Comment if you think I nailed the vocabulary on this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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