Bullied Heart 2: The Black Extension {BTS FF Jungkook} Chapter 2

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I woke up to hear a heart monitor beeping rhythmically. My hand felt warm and my eyes opened to see myself being held by Jungkook. I looked around the hospital and room and chuckled. "I need to stop passing out." I said, when another familiar voice spoke. "It's not your fault, don't worry." I turned to see Jin. "Oh my god! Jin I missed you so much!" He bent down and hugged me, and I held tight. "How have you been?" I asked. "Good, but that's not important right now. I took some tests and I found that you have anaemia. It could be the reason you always faint." I tilted my head. "Why would I have it? Is it dangerous?" He shook his head and I sighed in relief. "You had it because of a Vitamin B-12 deficiency, you merely haven't been eating the right or enough foods. Most main foods have it." I nodded and thanked him.

"Jungkook when can we leave?" I asked, and he thought carefully. "Well... we can't for a while. They're still doing tests on you and we need to get disguises for each other." Once again I tilted my head. "We need disguises because the whole nation and seemingly the world think we've been kidnapped. If journalists see us walking around the streets, Joy and her father will find us again, won't they?" he asked, and I looked down, nodding. Jin was handed some papers by a nurse who stood at the door, and he read them thoroughly. His eyes widened and he looked up at Jungkook. "Will you come with me please?" he said, and Jungkook nodded and they left the room.

The nurse walked inside. Her mouth was covered with a mask and her hair was covered. "High pollution levels today then?" I asked, and the nurse looked up. "Err... yeah." she stuttered. Her voice was high pitched and sounded quite young. "Hey, how old are you? You sound quite young." she looked at me again, her eyes sleek and cat like. "I'm 16. My father payed for an apprenticeship." she answered uninterested, and took out her phone before placing it on a table beside me. "Excuse me." she said, and left the room. Curious, I looked at her phone. It was left on messages.

 It was left on messages

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I gasped, when she walked through the door with two syringes in her hands

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I gasped, when she walked through the door with two syringes in her hands. I jumped out of the bed and pressed the emergency assistance button. I looked around and saw a scalpel and picked it up. We faced each other, in a stale mate. I saw Jin and Jungkook running in the corridor, and when they saw her they shouted my name. She turned around and stared at them. She lunged for Jin with both syringes and they went into his shoulders. He fell to the floor in pain and shock and passed out. I moved to her phone and got the number of the hospital and quickly texted it.

 I moved to her phone and got the number of the hospital and quickly texted it

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I ran up behind her and used the scalpel to cut her throat. She fell to the ground and Jungkook grabbed my hand. We started running. We ran down the stairs and outside to Jungkook's car. "Where are we going this time?" I asked, while putting on my seat belt and Jungkook starting the car. "The airport. We need to get out of the country. We'll find some family of yours in America and stay with them. Have you got family out there still?" he asked. I thought hard. "I have a cousin. We can stay with her and her husband." he nodded and started driving.

After a while, I realised something. "How are you gonna pay for it? We left out wallets at the hospital!" he looked at me then back at the road. "I brought my phone. Open it for me please." I took his phone and opened it. "Now text Taehyung. Tell him where we're going, what has happened and to meet us at gate 3 at 12pm." I went onto contacts and messaged him everything, and he responded with a simple "okay". We kept driving for 2 hours.

We finally arrived and quickly got out of the car. We walked quickly to gate 3 and we saw Taehyung. Jungkook ran up to him and gave him a bro hug. "Thanks for coming Tae." I said. "It's fine. Now, listen. The next flight is in 5 hours. I've bought you both tickets. You're in the centre isle where it's not three seats per section, it's two. You don't have to worry about anyone else bothering you. Here's $10,000. I have more so if you need any just text me and I can put it into your bank account." Jungkook nodded and gave him another hug before Taehyung walked off. "So, what do we do for 5 hours?" I asked. "We have $10,000, I think we can afford to go in the VIP lounge for a while." we both laughed and walked into the lounge and lay down with each other. We slept and relaxed for the first time in what felt like days.

bullied heart {BTS FF Jungkook} ;Where stories live. Discover now