2. Revelations and Tea Leaves

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When Nadine reached the girls dormitory,  her and Neville's shared owl Talons, which was a gift from Chloe, was sitting on her bed, with a gift box tied to her legs. Nadine opened it to find a journal and a letter.

Dear Nadine,

How are you kiddo? I'm finally back from America. Working as a freelancing Curse Breaker for Gringotts has its advantages.
I've sent your gift and I'm really sorry I'm sending it so late. It's my mother's journal but the real stuff is inside. And once you read what's inside, go slow. It's going to  help you concentrate but don't overwork yourself to perfection. You won't be able to do it at the first go, because it's really advance. But keep up with your practice.
So good luck with it kiddo. Enjoy your third year and concentrate on your studies too.

Love from,

P.S. : Use the Gemino charm to increase them when you reach the last one.

Although she didn't understand Chloe's letter completely, Nadine was thrilled to open the gift as soon as possible but she also wanted to show it to Neville. Nadine picked up a sling bag which contained her mother's diary and some photos she had found in her parents room. Nadine had decided to keep the bag with her, anywhere she went, so no one could find it.

She picked up her gift, swung her bag on her shoulder and stepped outside. Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting on the couch near the fireplace and thankfully Dean and Sheamus were outside too. Which meant she and Neville could have the dormitory for themselves to open the gift. But where was Neville? The easy guess was the boys dormitory but this was Neville, he would have gone to meet Professor Sprout to ask about the Herbology syllabus even before the term would start.

"Hey Harry, Ron, Is Nev inside the boys dormitory?" Nadine asked.

"Yeah he is unpacking inside" Harry said looking stressed. 'Probably because of Sirius Black' she thought.

"Oh Harry, I've got your birthday gift. Remind me to give it to you later." Before anyone could respond, Nadine ran towards the boys dormitory. She was bouncing with excitement.

She let herself in. Neville had already unpacked and was sitting on his bed reading a book on some rare magical fungi.

"Hey Nev, Chloe sent her gift. It's finally here and it seems really interesting." Nadine was shrieking with excitement.

"Let's see it then. I'm sure it's going to be something fantastic" Neville slapped his book shut and put it aside.

She handed the letter to Neville which he read with utmost interest. Meanwhile Nadine unwrapped the gift paper.

"What's so special with Nadine's mum? And her journal?" Neville asked curiously.

"Her elemental magic is Fire too and she is known to have done advance research on it. It's a secret though. Only people who know are wizards or witches with Elemental Magic or their families. That's why she sent her diary, I guess." Nadine explained. While unwrapping the gift box.

 While unwrapping the gift box

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