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I sprayed myself up with my best perfume. 'The Urbanist' and picked up my phone. I took a last glance at myself through the full length mirror that stood just beside my bathroom door. I always wondered why it was mounted there, It is supposed to be just beside my dressing mirror but it okay anyways.

I walked out and met Mama already dressed up."What took you so long? I thought i wont even recognize you" She said standing to her feet. "I was just making up, you don't want me looking bad, do you?"She answered pouting.

"As if you have somebody to show it to"
"C'mon mama, not again" They walked out to the parking lot and entered Mama's black SUV. They zoomed out of Tarauni to Lamido Crescent. Ameena dropped down the upper rear mirror and stared at herself.

Her bulgy eyes looking down from her pointed nose to her cute kanuri lips. I'm not bad looking, she thought. She smiled making her dimples puff out. Much better, she soliloquize. She later closed back the mirror finding them in the premises of Ado Bayero mall.

"Mama what are we doing here?" She questioned putting back her shoes. Yes, she has that bad attitude of removing her shoes in the car. "I want to get some things for the baby but i don't think i can walk in there, here get me some baby kits." Mama said handing over her credit card.

Ameena nodded and collected the card. "Mama" she called through the window drawing mama's attention to her. "Can i get a Guylian please?" She made that puppy eyes. "Absolutely not, later you'll disturb me about your cramps"
"C'mon Mama, just a pack, I promise not two"

Mama finally agreed and in no time, she was back. Mama quickly browsed through them, kept them at the back seat and off they went. The black gate was opened by the gateman after several honks, he apologized saying he was praying Asr.

The car came to a halt and she took the bags.
"Look who decided to show up" Anti Fati said smiling at Mama, She greeted and they changed to Kanuri afterwards so she sat down on a single sitter just across a balcony.

According to Mama, Anti Fati was her best friend back there in college. "Where's Meemee? I cant wait to see this baby" Mama said. You all know that awkward moment when everyone in the room is way older than you and you're gonna be the Errand person for the day, well this is it.

"Pretty Ameena, go check up on Meemee, she told me she was gonna take a shower like two hours ago" Anti Fati said. She smiled and got going. She's been to the house several times so she know the route to the bedroom.

After several attempts and failing, She opened the last bedroom door and there she was. Awww Masha Allah. She was seated by the side of the bed with her baby. They look so cute Masha Allah. She salaamed and entered. She turned to her with a very beautiful smile and answered.

Meemee is much older than her so there was nothing much. They exchanged peasantries and she handed over the baby.
"Have you decided on a name yet" She questioned "Yeah, Haleemat Sa'adiya"
"That's very nice, she resembles her Baba" Ameena said pulling the baby's cap back a little to get a better view of her face. "That's a fat lie, everyone says she looks like me, am finer than Mu'iz remember"

"Mama and other women are waiting for you" Meemee sigh " I've received like twelve guest today, that's why i didn't want a naming ceremony but Ammie is insisting"

"C'mon this is your first time fah, we need to celebrate, by the way when is it?" Ameena questioned "Sunday Insha Allah"
She answered back almost immediately. They went ahead to the living room. Meemee was with the baby and the more Ameena looks at them, the more she feels the urges to have hers"


She was seated on the chaise just outside the balcony of her room with her phone when she heard Naiimah's voice. Before she could do anything, Naiimah was already in her arms.
"God, I missed you" She said unbuttoning her kimono.

"When did you come back?" Ameena asked with a large smile. "At midnight" Naiimah answered and crashed on the bed." You left Shahid at home?" She wanted to digest everything first. "Nope, he's downstairs with Mama and what business does he even have with you? you didn't get him anything for his first birthday" Naiimah said rolling her eyes

"You are something else, you people just came back and am gonna get it real soon" She sat and sat beside her on the bed. "And what's up with Samin?" Naiimah's mood changed immediately she mentioned Samin. " I dont want to talk about it"

"No, we are going to talk about it whether you like or not, I'm sure both Ummah and Abbah wont let you be a divorcee at twenty four, twenty four for Allah's sake" She emphasized.

"Look, you people have no idea what i went through, I'm the one involved in this marriage and i don't want it again, Period"
"You're stupid, I hope you know that" Ameena said and adjusted her glasses.

Naiimah made the fuck you sign with her hand and stood up. Ameena pulled her back and raised her eyebrow. "Do you know what you are trying to do to your child? do you know how much broken homes affect children? You cant do this to Shahid, you're gonna stay, for him"

"I cant Ameena,you have no idea how much I've endured, Samin has the been a jerk since i got pregnant, he didn't care whether i live or die, he didn't care about what i was carrying." This time around, her voice was cracking, she was at the verge of crying.

"Its okay, but I'm sure you guys can resolve your differences" Ameena said clearing her hair from her face. " I don't want to resolve anything. Samin left me, he left me all by myself, he left me to suffer. I was in labour and my neighbour, my white Christian neighbour took me to the hospital, Samin was no where near me. What do you call that huh?"

This time around, there was tears in her eyes. Ameena wrapped her as around her as she cried her eyes out. "We don't need to talk about it anymore" She finally said.

"Ameena Samin slapped me several times because i wont abort his pregnancy, he at last claimed its not his" This single statement made Ameena gasp.

"Samin did that?" Ameena was suprised to the brim, the Samin she knows was a cheerful one, a romantic, caring guy. She never thought he's got a bad side." He did worst than that,much worse" Naiimah stood and headed to the living room.

A knock filled the room so i answered with a yes. A maid walked in with Shahid. The handsome boy looks exactly like his father, his once kind father. He was sucking something only God knows what. The sound of the bathroom door made him jolt up to see who it was.

"Mama!" He semi yelled opening his empty mouth into a wide smile. "Hey Baby" She forced a smile and took him from me. "Naiimah i want you to clear your mind off the issue" Ameena said spreading a prayer mat.

"I've moved on already, I just don't like how people keep pressurising me about it. It's too much for me to handle. " But does he want to sort things out?" Ameena asked

"Ameena whether whether he likes it or not, i am not going back to his house and nobody can make me to" Naiimah said changing Shahid into an overall.

"I get what you're going through but i don't want Shahid to grow up without a father, he needs his father and whosoever you're gonna marry cannot do it like his biological father." Ameena said getting a hijab from her wardrobe.

"Look, I cant sacrifice my happiness at this stage of my life, get that into your thick skull" Ameena shrugged. "I guess i cant tell you the right thing again" She said and her Takbir al ihram followed.

I know first chapters are always boring but keep going, the upcoming chapters would be better Insha Allah.

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