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At last everything was ready. "Have you packed everything yet?" Mama asked the moment she saw Ameena coming out of the kitchen. "Yeah, I just packed the disposable plates, Mama i don't even wanna go, I'm sure the house is still filled up" She cried " Its pass 7:30, I'm sure everyone has gone, just a few" Mama assured her.

Ameena took her Calorino handbag and walked out of the living room after biding Mama goodbye. She sat down waiting peacefully for the driver to start the engine.

They arrived shortly at Lamido Crescent and she got off the silver 408. Thankfully, the house doesn't look crowdy. Walking down the long lane alone to the back door didn't take her much time for she does not waste her time showing off to people she doesn't know.

She Salaamed and walked through the corridor to the living room. She scanned around the room but there was no one familiar. As a good Kanuri girl, she bowed down and greeted them, they directed her to Hajja Fati so she went ahead.

She walked into the mini living room silently, her eyes looking directly at her feet after saying Salaam."Wa alaiki Salaam Ameena"  Hajja Fati said with a wide smile.

Ameena sat just below her on the rug and greeted her. "You brought dinner right?" Hajja asked and Ameena said a yes.

"Hameed you'd better come and eat, you cant be having migraine and stay hungry" Hajja said to a guy sitting on a sofa just opposite them. He was in a Crisp white shirt and some trousers, look who just came from work, Ameena thought.

"Its okay Ummi, I just took a pain reliever, I'll be fine" The moment he spoke,she just had to look up at him,that was the most calm voice she's ever heard.

And yes, even though Hameed has head ache, he couldn't resist the magnificent scent of Humrah that hit his nostrils the moment she walked in. He usually lowers his gaze, but in a situation like this, he couldn't resist her.

Their eyes met and she quickly looked away. For Hameed, he couldn't. Hajja has already asked some women to bring in the food. She stood up to serve herself but Ameena gave a helping hand.

Hameed couldn't stop looking, saying he is impressed is an understatement. She gently walked back to Hajja Fati and handed the food to her.

"Ameena you cooked this?" Hajja asked with an amused look after the first bite. Ameena blushed and nodded. "Hameed you cant afford to miss this, come eat" He winched rubbing his forehead.

"Ummi am too tired, I guess I'll eat later" He's hate to admit it but Ameena really got his attention, He thought stealing a third look. "Come, come, let me fed you" Hajja said.

Ameena made a disgusting face, as big as he is, its okay if his LOML does it but Anti Fati, its awkward, She thought. Hajja had to plead with him to come eat, she fed him gently.

"You don't hear word, Falmata told you to stop stressing yourself but you just wont hear her, how could you visit three of the united states in two days? its not possible ai" Hajja complained.

"Ummi its work, I cant just skip it right?" His death calm voice stroke again. She could smell his strong cologne from where she was. "We shall see what you're gonna do when we get you married, right Ameena?"

What business does she have in their conversation? so she just smiled. That smile, that particular smile, stopping his heart beat. He watched as her dimples puff out. Ya Rabbi, could this be her? he thought.

Hajja Fati noticed. She smacked his shoulders, he simply smiled. "How far?" She whispered. "Far far away Ummi, Far..."
He started. "Look who was having head ache" She laughed, she looked down at Ameena and smiled.

"Oya shoot your shot"She said, and before one could say Gandollar, she was out of the living room. Ameena knew something was up so she followed Hajja out of the living room. Hameed wanted so bad to speak to her, but his vocal cord decided to shut down. Thankfully, she met Anti Fati just along the corridor.

" Has he shot the shot already?" Anti said and her eyes suddenly puff out. "Anti what shot?" She innocently questioned. "Oh coward, don't worry, you should get going, I'll tell Hameed to come drive you".

"I am with a driver" Ameena was already on the alert so she spoke up. "Alright its fine but you still didn't get to see Meemee" Anti said willing to call her. "Its okay Anti, just extend my greeting" They bid each other good night and Ameena left.

Hajja Fati went back to the living room, meeting Hameed with an empty plate. "Before you could say anything, she walked out right after you" He said referring to Ameena.

"So do you like her?" Hajja questioned sitting next to him. "Are you kidding me?, ofcourse" He answered
"Hameed i hope you like her as in like like her not like play her" She said with a serious tone. "C'mon Ummi, i don't do that" He said placing his head on her lap.

"Ameena is a very nice girl, she is matured and b...beautiful" She smiled at the last part. Hameed laughed too. "Ummi beauty isn't everything" He said. " But it's you guys priority, I know my boys ai. I don't need to start listing all you guys need so i just summed it up, 'beauty'. Hajja said air quoting beauty. That made Hameed laugh.

"I'll go rest" He simply said and stood up.
"Think over it, and can i tell you something?" She signalled for him to come closer so he did.
"You two are gonna make adorable children"

"Ummi!" He cut her, but he couldn't help imagining him self. He, Hameed Bature with kids. Just WOW. "You boy got no shame, look how you're smiling like a freak because i spoke about kids, C'mon go get some rest" She shooed him away.

  Waking up at about 8pm and making breakfast is her daily routine. Today she is making pancake and lemon syrup, her weekend favorite. She placed everything on a kitchen trolley and rolled it to the living room. Even though its a Saturday, Mama still has to go to work.

"There too much sugar in these pancakes" Mama said ignoring Ameena's eyes. "Just eight cubes Mama" She answered sipping her tea. "Eight! eight you said? do you want to kill us?" Mama said finishing up.

"Ya rabbi mama, i said eight, not eighteen" They all laughed. "So you met somebody in Fatima's house and you didn't even bother to tell me about it." Mama said looking out of her glasses. "That was last night Mama, when i came back, you were already ready for bed and its not like i met him, i just saw him....."

"Nonsense! whats the difference?" Mama cut her. She pouted. "As in we didn't even speak to each other, Mama he is a Man baby" Mama laughed at Ameena's silliness.
"Oh, Whats man baby again?" Mama questioned.

"Anti Fati had to feed him, he was all acting like a baby" She answered back immediately with a disgusted face.

"Whats with the face?" Mama asked taking a quick glance at her wristwatch, as much as she wants to chat with her baby, she wouldn't want to be late for work.

"He's disgusting" She knew deep down she was not saying the truth."But Fatima told me he is cute, isn't he?" Ameena was not shocked, she already knew how her Mama is. "Well he is, a little" She emphasized on little. "Little?" Mama raised her eyebrows at Her waiting for her answer, she didn't hesitate.

"Fineee, he is so cute Mama, and i must confess, his baby attitude looked good on him" Mama laughed whole heartily at her daughter's confession. "Then why did you run away when he was about to shoot his shot as Fatima says it"

She herself was not sure of it, she doesn't have any answer to that so she hung her head low." Do you want to keep staying at home with me?" Mama silently asked. Ameena shook her head meaning no.

"Then make a wise decision baby, give them a chance" Mama said with a smile and adjusted her glasses " I also used to dislike relationships but when i met your father, everything changed, God knows i missed, may Aljannat Firdaus be his final destination"

"Ameen" Ameena said. Mama finally took her bag and rose up.

"Stay safe Maama, I love you" Ameena and and Mama left. She would do exactly as Mama says Insha Allah.


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