Chapter 8: Harrison

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Tristan, Tre, Patrick, and Adam were walking down the road. Tristan still had trouble thinking he was alive. "How could that happen without Adam not telling anyone?" That question was running through his mind all day. "Alright guys, be quiet we are about to enter where Simon is being held." Adam told the group. They walked into the cave and found nobody. "Where are they?" Tre asked. Then, right on cue, Harrison popped out of the shadows.

"Glad you guys could make it." Harrison said with a smirk. "Harrison? What are you doing here?" Patrick asked, although knowing the answer already. He knew Harrison was a traitor, that he kidnapped Simon. He just wanted everyone else to know. Adam walked up to his face and said "Where's Simon?"

"Funny you should mention that, Adam. You see, he's gone. Back at Sandy Cove, along with Reed. You see, there's a war coming, and those two will be a big part of our plan to take you out. Logan is already pushing the attack, it's whether or not the leader agrees that it should happen." "And whose this leader?" Tristan asked. "You will find out eventually, you all will. Then, you will die." With that, Adam punched Harrison in the face.


When Owen and Aaron addressed the group, they were in utter shock. With Harry's brutal death, to Reed's kidnapping, it was hard to take in. "We all know the losses are coming in at a rapid rate, and with a war with Sandy Cove looming, we are not safe here." Aaron stated. "So, we've decided to ask you all. Would you rather stay here, and wait for the rest of the group to come back, or would you like to leave and avoid the impending war?" Owen asked.

Claire stood up. "We cannot just leave our friends out there! What if Patrick comes back, and we aren't here? Plus with Sandy Cove coming to kill us, we'd be leaving him here to die! I don't care what you do, I'm staying here." "And I'm staying with Claire." Hailee said as she stood up. Hailey stood up as well. "I'm not leaving if they aren't." And one by one, they all stood up saying that no one would be left behind. "It's settled then." Owen said.

Aaron and Adin went to the old meeting room. "How long are you gonna stay here?" Adin asked. "I'll give Simon three more days, then I'm going after him." "Do you want me to come with?" "No, you need to help Owen and the rest out here. I can handle whatever Simon got himself into."


Harrison was on the ground, his face all bloody from Adam punching him. Tre stepped in, stopping Adam from killing him. "Bro, look, you don't need to kill him. Maybe he will give up some important information." "In your dreams, Tre. I'm not gonna risk everything Sandy Cove has worked towards, just to save my life. I'd rather die."

"You see Tre, he wants to die. I should let him." "Adam, calm down." "DO NOT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN, PATRICK!" Patrick, Tristan, and Tre stared at Adam with blank faces. Harrison looked scared as well. "I'm not afraid to die." is what he kept muttering to himself.

"Harrison, your a traitor. You kidnapped Simon, you tore him away from his family. I think now it's time to repay the favor." "You realize, Adam, nobody has family. We are all loners, we all have our own agendas. No one can stop us from doing what we want." "That's true. No one can stop me from killing you." And that's exactly what Adam did.

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