Chapter 9: The War Begins

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Euan was sitting on the bench towards the tennis courts. He stared out into the open, wondering what life could be like if he was home in Scotland, with his family. However, he knew these kids needed help, and he had to be there for them. He needed to keep Ethan's contributions running, so his memory wouldn't be in vain. The leaves rustled behind him. Euan turned around, and standing before him, was Adam, Patrick, Tristan, and Tre.

"Adam? Your alive?" "We need to talk to the group, right now." Euan called everyone to the gym. The four walked into the gym. Claire rushed over and hugged Patrick. Owen and Adin stood with blank faces. "Adam? We thought you were dead!" Adin exclaimed. "I'm not, and we got a problem. Sandy Cove." "Yea, we know. Logan's a traitor and he has Reed." Owen said. "Well, Harrison was too. He also delivered Simon to Sandy Cove before he died." Adam replied.

Adin turned his attention towards Aaron, who said nothing. Murphy came up to them and said "What do we do now?" A gun shot rang out. "What was that?" Hailey asked. Euan was outside. "Guys, you should come here." They all went outside and saw Logan and the rest of Sandy Cove. "Who's ready for a war?" Logan said with a smirk.


Simon got his consciousness back, slightly. He knew that he was alive, and locked up. Then he saw Reed. He was all bruised up and bloody. "Reed? Where are we?" "We are at Sandy Cove." Simon glanced around. They must have been in a jail like area, as bars were blocking the door. Then a man appeared in front of them.

"I'm glad you all are awake." "Who are you?" Simon asked. "My name is Tim Nielson, director of Sandy Cove." This time, Reed asked a question. "What do you want with us?" "I'm glad you asked my young friend. You see, the world will never be the same. We have to realize that. I want to create a colony, an area that can thrive in this world which is now full of despair, sadness, and hopelessness. Unfortunately, your camp is standing in my way. Nothing personal, we just can't use you guys."

Then, as if they were cued in, two men stepped into the room. "You know what to do." Nielson told them. Then they both surrounded Reed and started to punch him. "What are you doing?!" Simon shouted. "We only need one of you. Say goodbye to your friend. He won't be coming back." As Nielson said that, he walked away, leaving Simon watching Reed being punched brutally to death.


The group stared at Logan and his Sandy Cove army. If there was ever a moment where life flashed before there eyes, it was now. "What do you want, Logan?" Euan asked. "All we want is your land. We can be peaceful, or deadly. We are letting you walk out of here. Hell, we only brought pistols because we think you will walk. Be smart Euan. Tell your children to pack up and leave."

Adin stepped up. "We aren't going anywhere, Logan." The group started to walk back to the gym. "Well, we warned them." Sandy Cove opened fire. The group sprinted into the gym. Hailee was gunned down, as was Tre. There were only a select people left.

"Euan, Patrick, and Tristan, lead the girls to the woods to be safe." Adam commanded. "We can handle ourselves, thank you very much." Murphy replied. "But with myself, Aaron, Adin, and Owen staying, at least we'd have more survivors." The Covers (as Aaron called them) came charging into the gym. "Go now!" The people who were supposed to go into the woods went, except Patrick. Claire noticed.

"Patrick! C'mon!" "I'm sorry Claire but I can't! I need to help these guys! I promise I'll find you though!" "Patrick, please! Let's go!" "I'm sorry!" Patrick shut the door to the gym. He saw the gory sight of bodies, and the four that stayed behind were captured. Then, out of no where, a gun shot rang. Patrick looked down, and saw blood oozing out. He then fell to the ground.

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