Chapter 6

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A few weeks passed before the group of teens wanted to go out once more, they bugged and bugged for days to go out again.

"And what if a human terrorcon attacked again?" Megatron asked.

"Then one of you will be there to protect us" Jane said.

"Ya come on man, we haven't been out in some time" Dan said.

"Sigh....Knockout, Starscream, Take them out somewhere!" Megatron ordered.

Tina ran over to Soundwave and he nodded to her request, opening a ground bridge to allow the two mechs to carry the kids through.

On the other side of the bridge they came out to a beautiful untouched beach, where the sand was a beautiful white and the water clear.

"LETS GO SWIMMING!" Martin and Dan yelled running to the water.

Everyone had their swimsuits on under there clothes, so they slipped their clothes off, going into the water.

Starscream walked into the water a bit hating the feeling of the mud but knockout voiced his dislike if it.

"Oh will you be quiet, I'll help you clean out the mud" the seeker said.

"Promise screamer?" Knockout asked batting his optics.

"DONT CALL ME THAT!....and yes I promise" he sighed watching the kids.

"What's that?" Knockout pointed into the deep.

Starscream and Knockout watched the shadow turn into many shadows and move around together and come closer.

"Gah! Guys guys guys!" Zack said.

"What What What?" Terra asked smiling.

"Whales!" Zack said.

"Whales? What kind!?" Tina asked happily.

"Black and white I don't remember the name" Zack said.

They all went under the water and smiled as the large pod of mammals swam around them, singing and talking.

They swam back up and all of them laughed and cheered, moving around the whales and reached out petting them.

A young calf swam up to violet and nudged her stomach gently, his mother beside him.

".........-kiss-" violet gave a small kiss to the calf's snout petting his head.

The mother went under the water and came back up with violet on her back, the baby happily swam with his mom.

"Lucky!" Martin laughed but yelled as he and Dan were lifted up out of the water on a male.

Another female picked up Zack and Terra, the leader male picked up Jack Miko and Raf, and a female with a calf picked up Jane and Tina.

"THIS IS AWESOME!" Miko laughed.

The whales gave the kids a ride above and under the water, playing with them then gave them back to the mechs who still stood in the water.

"Such gentle creatures" Knockout smiled holding his small group while Starscream had the others.

"Indeed" Starscream said.

"Bye thanks for the ride" Terra waved.

"Take care you guys, and thank you" Tina smiled.

The whales all spoke out to them and jumped diving into the water jumping away playing with each other.

"Think we'll see them again?" Raf asked.

"Maybe, you see there's a collage on the other side of the path there, my mom went to collage here, she told me about this beach this is where they had beach parties and went swimming and surfing" Jane said with a smile.

"So its a private beach?" Jack asked.

"Yup, and by the looks of it still untouched by the outside world on the other side of the collage walls" Jane said.

"Well time to dry off now" Starscream said turning around, both mechs froze when they heard a zombie close by.

"I do not want to be put down" Terra said.

"Same!" The others agreed.

"Knockout to Base, we need a ground bridge" knockout said into his comm.

Soundwave opened a bridge up and on the bridge they all watched water come out then the two mechs tracking mud in with them.

"What is this mess!?" Megatron demanded.

"Mud buckethead!" Jane said flatly.

"What did you call me femme?" Megatron growled.

" what?, anyway just get a vehicon or eradicon to clean it" Jane said.

".....Soundwave!" Megatron yelled.

Starscream and Knockout quickly left and cleaned off the mud, cleaning the kids off as well from the salt water.

Now the teens were getting dressed so the mechs went off to due their own things until they had to go to sleep.

Violet got started on a painting of the orcas they saw earlier Miko was happily watching her staying quiet, while the boys all went to the work out area.

Terra, Jane and Tina all started to do some baking, hearing some vehicons rushing around to do work, then they heard Bumblebee and Smokescreen screaming running away with an angry Ratchet behind them.


"KEEP RUNNING BEE!, KEEP RUNNING!" Smokescreen yelled.

:WHAT DO YOU THINK IM DOING?! SKIPPING?: Bee asked as he kept running behind his friend.

"Must've been playing lob ball again to close to Ratchets work" Terra said.

"Probably" Zack said.

"AAAAAAHHH!" They heard a girlish scream from non other than Starscream.

"Poor screamer always in the wrong place at the wrong time" Dan snickered.

"Yup pretty much" Martin said nodding putting the weights down.

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