Chapter 8

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It had been a long week, the triplets were doing fairly well surviving among the dead, Alex and Mina Ray had joined them on their roof top, taking care of them.

Mina was happy making meals for everyone, Alex and Zack did the food hunting while Terra foraged for others foods and supplies with Violet.

Though violet stayed with Mina most times, others tried not to go out to much, and if they did they weren't alone, and if one group came a crossed another they began to fight.

"It's sad really, how some can't look past fear and work together, working together would better our survival" Mina said sadly looking down at four men fighting each other for whatever good they found.

Violet nodded agreeing with her onlyfor her eyes to widen when one man shot the four down, only to attract the dead and get killed himself.

Terra and Zack made quick haste to gather whatever the five men had, getting back up on the roof just In time for the fifth man to get back up all pale and dead.

"Come love, no need to watch people kill each other all day" Mina said ushering violet back over to the soup that was cooking.

"You two made it back just in time, lunch is ready" Mina said.

"Hey do you think they'll come after us?" Zack suddenly asked.

"Who?" Alex asked stopping his wood cutting for a moment.

"The uh...robots, the ones who had helped to save a lot of people" Zack said.

"Oh yes the what were their names again? Autobot And that where you three came from?" Mina asked.

"Yes, you see stubborn Ox there had a fight with Knockout and decided we had to leave" Zack said.

"Hey!" Terra yelled.

"Now why would you leave such a safe place like that huge ship for? Or the base the army set up?" Mina asked.

"Because our friend was ignoring us cause we kept asking him something personal, so I figured he didn't care about us anymore, it seemed that way when I confronted him" Terra frowned.

"Now honey I'm sure that's not true" Mina smiled seeing a giant figure off in the distance coming over.

"I'll say" Alex smiled.

The three were confused for a moment until they heard a familiar voice calling out for them, make it three voices.

"Terra!" Starscream called.

"Zack where are you?" Wheeljack called out.

"Violet please say something, violet" knockout called sadness in his tone.

Violet felt tears in her eyes as she picked up a rock and threw it, the group watched the rock fly and hit poor Wheeljack in the head.

"OW! WHO THE SCRAP HIT ME!?....there" he pointed as he finished turning around.

The three ran over and picked the kids up giving each one a hug, but knockout refused to give violet up.

"What the frag were you three thinking?! You know it isn't safe out here" Starscream scolded.

"Yeah we were all worried about you, your friends miss ya three" Wheeljack said in agreement.

"Oh sure you were all worried, I can bet you HE wasn't worried us" Terra pointed to Knockout.

"That's not true, he was frantic looking everywhere for you three when Soundwave said that you guys never came back" Starscream said.

Knockout suddenly felt hurt and sorry that he ignored the kids for so long, but he talked to the rest and accepted their apology, no one knew where they were and it scared him.

He set Violet down, who sadly tried to hold onto his servo, silently begging him to not let her go.

"If that's how you feel...Wheeljack can take you all to the base camp the military has set up, you'd be safer there" the medic said with closed optics, tears threatening to fall.

"What do you mean?" Zack asked, also holding his servo down.

"'s obvious your sister doesn't believe I was worried or that I didn't care, which isn't true, I never slept all week, I was so scared to sleep because I had this repeated dream that you all were ruthlessly killed down here" Knockout said taking his servo away from the two.

"Knockout hold on, KNOCKOUT GET BACK HERE!.....sigh Terra...why did you have to say that? Do you really hate us now all because of you guys pushing him?" Starscream asked.

"No I don't...why would I....I don't hate you guys" Terra frowned.

"Tel him that then, Wheeljack since they no longer wish to live on the ship take them to the base came, with these two as well" Starscream said taking off in the air.

"STARSCREAM WAIT PLEASE!" Terra called out to the seeker but he kept flying after knockout who sped off away from them.

Wheeljack sighed gathering everything they had and started walking, he cringed as he accidentally stepped on a dead walker, he gaged as he lifted his pede up.

"Oh gross! That's not right" Wheeljack said.

"Non of this is right" Zack said pouting.

"Ok listen, I'll take you all back to the ship but you've got to apologize to Knockout" the wrecker said.

(Med bay)

Knockout was zoned out, slowly cleaning up some tools, Ratchet watched him with concern he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.

Wheeljack came in and saw Knockout, he shook his head and lifted him up rate off the ground and flung him over his shoulder.


"Quiet" Wheeljack said walking quickly so he didn't get clawed at "there are a few people here to see you".

"Who?" Knockout asked settling down for a second.

"The triplets" the wrecker said.

"WHAT?!" He yelled trying to get loose again.

"Stop that will ya?!, they want to apologize to you, I told them they had to if they wanted to come back and they agreed, knowing they owe you an apology anyway" Wheeljack scolded, bouncing the medic on his shoulder again.

In the bridge the three watched Wheeljack drop the medic on the floor and quickly leave laughing.

Knockout yelled down the hall at him threatening to claw him to shreds if he did that to him again.

"Knockout, you have some guests to see you" Megatron frowned, looking down at the kids.

They walked over to the red medic and looked up at him, both Zack and Terra apologized then Terra said sorry for what she said in town.

Knockout just stared at them but smiled, bending over he picked them all up, giving each one a kiss to the forehead.

"You three make it so hard to stay mad at you" he said.

"Yeah we know" Terra smirked hugging his cheek.

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