The End!...for Mari😂

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Today was the day.

I was going to carry out my plan...I was really doing this. Sometimes it seems unbelievable to me, but I know this is the right thing to do.

It had to be.

I walk into the giant pink school once again. Ready for another day of learning. But before I go to class I check the music room to see if Tamaki is still there. Even though the host club ended I still hoped that Tamaki would still be there. And if he is maybe we could walk to class together...or as far as we can until we have to go our separate ways.

I look over Mari's schedule on my way to the host club. I go over my plan several times in my head. Making sure I know what I'm doing so I dont mess up.

I approach the doors to the host club, and slowly open them. I slightly poke my head in and look around.

"Ahh! Y/n! I was hoping I would see you today!" I hear that charming voice from further inside the room. I hoist the door open a little more and step in.

"Sorry I came a little later than yesterday Tamaki." I apologize. I see Tamaki approach me with a backpack. He was obviously just about to leave.

"It's fine y/n, no need to apologize." He tells me. We walk out of the room side by side. We even walked down the hallway together, making small talk along the way. We eventually made it to a split hallway, and just as I expected Tamaki had to go the opposite direction as me.

"I hope to see you after school maybe, or even at lunch later today." Tamaki says

"I hope the same...well see ya..." I wave to him goodbye. He waved back.

I leave in haste.

I hope I didn't make myself look like I didn't want to be around him, but I really needed to get to class. But then again, I wouldn't mind being late if it means spending more time with Tamaki.


I decided to spend my 7th hour on the roof. I explored the top of the building looking for the spot.

I then hide until Mari arrives.

She wont be expecting me...


"Tamaki! It's me Mari! I got your note!" Mari bursts through the door calling for Tamaki.



"Guess he's not here yet..." Mari goes over to the edge and lean on the railing.

This is perfect, I can just push her off the edge without much of a fight.

I walk up to Mari with a big smile on my face. I grab her legs and swiftly throw her over.

I smile at her as she falls




And eventually

She hits the ground.

I mentally praise myself and make my way back down the stairs. By now the bell just rang and it's time to go home.

I make a stop at my locker before I leave. I shut my locker I see Tamaki on the other side of the door.

"Oh hi Tamaki." I say cheerfully. I smile at him and he smiles back. Oh how I adore his cute smile!

"Hi y/n, so are you stopping by the club today? It's going to be a tropical theme today!" Tamaki said very excitedly.

"Sure, I can spare some time to stop by." I say. I didnt want to sound too desperate because I wanted to stand out amongst other girls to Tamaki. I want to be different. I dont want to be another fangirl but instead I want to be a friend.

One day...we can be more than friends.

We start walking to the host club together, talking about each other's day.

Suddenly the intercom went off.

"Stutents of Ouran High, I need to make a very important announcement." The halls went quiet as the lady spoke.

"There has been a horrible tragedy, and I need all students to leave the school premises immediately. All after school activities has been canceled. I will email you if we will have classes tomarow. Thank you for your understanding, and please, stay safe." The lady hung up.

Tamaki looked at me with a worried expression. I look back at him the same way, hiding the fact I know what is going on.

"Wow, I wonder what that's about." I say.

"Yeah, but it sounded urgent. I think we should leave.." Tamaki starts to speed walk out of the school, I follow.

We get out of the building and Tamaki turns to me.

"Hey y/n, I can tell that something really bad happened somewhere on school property" Tamaki says.

"Well yeah, by the way that lady's voice was shaking..." I pause to think of what to say. "We should leave...I feel uncomfortable here." I say.

"Your you need a ride home? My limo is right over there." Tamaki points to a long black limousine.

"Are you sure I dont want to trouble you." I say fidgeting with my fingers.

"No, it's it might be better  if you didn't walk today." Tamaki grabs my wrist and leads my to his limo.

We get in and drive away...away from the school.

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