At the beach!🧜‍♀️🏖

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I was riding home in Tamaki's limo when both of our phones went off.

I checked it and there was an email from the school. It looks like we're not having school for the rest of the week due to the incident...

Tamaki turned to me after reading the email and I did the same.

"I wonder what happened that was so bad they had to cancel school for a week!?" Tamaki half yelled.

I nodded, thinking about the incident. It was for the best. There was nothing else I could have done...

Tamaki's driver then dropped me off in front of my house. I thanked him, and went inside.

That same night when I was watching the news I saw a story on our school and the murder. But according to authorities it was a suicide.

I couldn't believe it. I got away with murder. And I dont even feel any regret. Honestly I dont feel anything at all. That news report just seemed like another old story on tv.

I turn off the tv and go to sleep. I dream of what would be the perfect first date for Tamaki and I.

I wake up from my amazing dream to find I had a text from an unknown number

I wake up from my amazing dream to find I had a text from an unknown number

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I decided I would go swimming, so I told Kyoya and started to get ready. He said he would pick me up around 1! Can't wait!

I'm assuming Tamaki is going to be there so I have to wear my best swimsuit.

I have to impress Tamaki.

I have to choose something, cute, sexy, but also not too revealing. Then it hit me. That bathing suit my mom got me this summer!

 That bathing suit my mom got me this summer!

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It's cute, simple, sexy. It's perfect.

I throw my swimsuit on and then my oversized t-shirt for a cover up. As soon as I finish getting my bag packed my doorbell rings.

I head downstairs and open the door. Kyoya was there.

"Are you ready y/n?" He asked.

"Sure am!" I responded.

Kyoya leads me to the limo and opens the door for me.

The whole host club was there! I got in and sat down next to Tamaki and Kyoya sat down next to me.

We chatted the entire way there. I was able to get to know the Twins and Haruhi a bit more. They seem pretty cool.

We arrive at the beach- or I guess it's pretty much and indoor beach Kyoya's family owns. It's so cool!

I run down to to water, drop my things and belly flop into the water with Honey right behind me. I get up and realized I still had my oversized t-shirt on. Now it's all wet. I get up out of the water go over to my things and take my shirt off.

But I made another mistake.

I put my shirt in the sand so now it's full of sand. Great.

The rest of the club makes their way down to the water.

I wonder what Tamaki thinks of my swimsuit

We all swim around in the pool, splash each other and overall just having a good time! We eventually got out the water guns too! I don't mean to brag but I have a pretty good aim. Kyoya's place is so cool! There are even giant slides! I wish my parents invested in something like this.

Well, all fun has to come to an end eventually. It was getting late and everyone needed to get home. We all hop into Kyoya's limo and the driver drops us off one by one.

"Hey, guys. I was wondering if I could hang out with you more, outside of school I mean. You are all so fun to be around and-" I was cut off by Kyoya.

"Of course you can hang out with us more, I consider you a friend now." Kyoya says.

"You are really fun to be around too y/n!" Hunni says. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Also y/n, don't forget to come and visit us at the host club everyday!" Tamaki said almost bouncing out of his seat. I blush a little knowing that Tamaki likes to be around me. That makes me really happy.


"Miss l/n, we are at your stop" the driver said. I tell everyone goodbye and start walking to my house.

I kinda lost like half of the chapter so sorry that it's bad but it is what it is I guess.

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