Ami and y/n's sleepover🧸

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Finally the school day has ended. I turn in my homework to my teacher and head out to my locker. On my way there Ami comes up to me. She seemed so happy...gross

"Hello there y/n! I was wondering if maybe you are going to the host club we can walk there together?" She asks me. At first I was kinda mad, but then I thought of something. If I get close to her it would be easier to kidnap her. I have the perfect place in my house too.  Yes, this is what I must do. For the sake of Tamaki and our future together.

"Sure Ami I would love to walk to the host club with you. Oh! Are you a customer or...?" I asked. I just had to know. Plus, if she is, I can flex the fact that I get in for free because Tamaki is my friend.

"Yeah I am a customer...aren't you?" She asked me. I smiled at the thought. I knew I was special.

"No actually I go there to see Tamaki. I just stop by before the doors open to say hi and stuff." I tell her. I have to keep it casual. Like passive aggressive flexing. I bet she feels super jealous of me right now. As she should.

"Wow that is so cool! I wish I was that special. Oh! Could you tell me all the tea that goes on behind the scenes of the host club? I would be honored to know!" I thought this one over carefully but this is actually perfect.

"I totally will. How about Friday at my place? We can have a sleepover, get to know each other, I can tell you all the gossip about the host club. I'll make some cookies too. How about it?" Now this is my plan. I lure her into my house in the most casual way so I don't risk making a public scene. We go into my basement to watch movies and gossip but what we will actually be doing will be even more fun and exciting than watching f/m. This plan cannot fail.

Ami greatfully accepts my offer with a big huge smile on her face. Thinking of my plan makes me smile myself. On our way to the host club Ami rambles on and on about what we are going to do at the sleepover.

But nothing she says is even true.

Time Skip brought to you by a lazy author :D

I was waiting at the front of the school for Ami to come out so we can have our sleepover. Just for today I drove my own car to school. I didn't want the limo driver suspecting anything.

"Y/n!" Ami jogged out of the school waving her ands in the air. "I'm ready." She breathed out.

"Awesome, my car is this way. Do you have your things?" I ask.

"I sure do! O. M. G I cannot wait. I get to know all the hot tea about the host club!" She spins a around with a huge grin on her face. I smile. "Yeah I can tell you some stuff on the way to my house. I feel like we might need to have another sleepover to cover it all." I say. She squealed and got into the passenger seat of my car.

"That would be great. Oh! Do you mind if I ask you some questions?" She asks. I turn my car on and strap myself in. "Not at all. Ask away." I pull out of the parking lot, and I get slapped with millions of questions.

"Okay so first off, are you like a thing with any of the hosts?" She intensely stared at me waiting for an answer. I giggled. "No not really." I say. Ami sat back in her seat. "Oh. Well do you know if they have a thing with any other girl in the school?" She asks. I shake my head. "Nope they are all single. And I can see it staying like that for a while too."

Until I get Tamaki at least.

"Wait why? Are they actually like rude or something?" She asks leaning over the counsel. " No it's just that I can see their girlfriends getting jealous and shit over them being in the host club ya know? I feel like they would just fall apart quickly." I say. Yeah when I get Tamaki I wouldn't want him being in the host club. But I wouldn't say it right away I would just slowly pull him away from that damned club.

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