Just Another Day🙂🙂

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Last night I wrote down my plan in a notebook I keep in my secret chest. I have all my ideas sorted out and I know exactly what I'm gonna do.

1. At 10:30 I will text Ami's mom that she is on her way home.
2. Walk in the direction on her house
3. drop her phone and another one of her items into the sewers.

I don't believe I missed anything. But if I do I can get in big trouble.

It is currently 9 and I just woke up. I decided to check to see if Ami is awake. I go down to my secret room and see that she is still unconscious. I realize that I never put anything on her mouth. That could have ended in a disaster if she had woken up. So I take my handy dandy flex tape and simply tape her mouth shut. That should keep her quiet. Now all I need to do is wait for my time to come to text her mom and head out.


I go along with my plan without any trouble

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I go along with my plan without any trouble. There was a manhole just about a block away from her house. I just hope I didn't look too suspicious dropping a phone and a chapstick down there.

Once I get back home I eat a little something and check on my hostage. She was still unconscious.

The last thing I must do now is dispose of her things. I guess unless if I may want to keep them. I dump out everything that is in her sleepover bag and school bag. I decided to get rid of all the school books, papers, notebooks, etc. I went through her other bag and found clothes that are ugly as hell, mascara, bathroom items, and a stuffed animal. Nothing much so I should just dispose of it all. Im keeping her phone charger though because I keep loosing or breaking those things.

Burning her things are the only logical solution. So I ignite the fire place that is down in my secret room and throw her bags in it. The fire illuminated the room and make it warm instead of the normal chill. With everything I threw in there the fire got bigger. I had to watch closely to make sure it didn't get too big.

Then I heard someone cough behind me. It was Ami. Only it was a very muffled cough due to the flex tape on her mouth.

"Well look who woke up from their coma. How're ya doin' Ami? Good? That's good. I'm doing rather fine myself." I smile as I stand up from my spot on the floor and face her. My shadow casting over her from the fire behind me. Ami tried to say something but I couldn't tell what is was since she is unable to talk. "Oh what was that Ami? I couldn't understand what you just said. Anyway I bet you are wondering why I have you are all tied up down here. " she slowly nodded her head. I walk closer to her, my feet just inches away from hers. "Well I found out that you have been getting awfully close to Tamaki and I don't like it." I gritted my teeth while saying the last few words.

I walk behind her chair and pull it backwards so she can face up and look me in the eyes. I look deep into her eyes and she does the same. She gave me an intense glare but I held my smile. "I bet you want a chance to talk don't you?" I ask sweetly. Ami just continues to glare at me. I then swiftly rip off the tape from her mouth. She cringed trying not to scream. I put her chair back down and walk back in front of her. "Go on tell me what's on your mind."

Ami took a deep breath in and looked down at my shoes. "I-I" She sighed in frustration for not being able to find the right words. "You know the police will find me and you will be thrown into prison. And when that happens you will never have a chance with Tamaki." She clenched her jaw and looked at me straight into my eyes with another intense glare.

"Ha ha! Real funny. I won't be found out. If I have done everything correctly it should make it look like you were jumped on the streets." I smile. Ami gives me a confused look. I giggle. "Let me explain to you, I dropped your phone In The sewers! And also texted your mom this morning. If the police pin your phone it will lead them to some place on the sidewalk. Also if they decide to search the house there is no way they will be able to find this room. And you! You won't be able to make a sound." I get out my tape once again and slap it against my hand. "Anyway, would you like some food? Perhaps something to drink?" I ask sweetly.

Ami glares at the ground. "No I don't want nothin'." I laughed at her response.

"Your loss." I rip off a piece of the flex tape to tape her mouth again. Right before I seal her mouth she mumbled something to me.

"You know you will regret ever doing this." Ami mumbled. I giggled.

"I won't once I have Tamaki and you don't." I say right before tapping her trap. I wave goodbye to her and head back up.

When I get back up I received a call from my love Tamaki. I immediately answer the call.

"Hello y/n! Are you up to anything today?"

"I'm not. Why?"

"Well me and the rest of the club members are going to see a movie at a commoner movie theater! Haruhi was talking about them and it sounds fun so we decided to check it out today, and I was wondering if you want to join?"

My eyes lit up at his offer. Even if it is with the other hosts there it's still time with Tamaki. Oh how can this day get any better?

"Yes I would love to come! What movie are we watching?"

"Uh, we haven't decided yet. Everyone wants to watch something different so maybe you can be the final decision?"

"Haha, okay I'll be there. what time?"

"We'll pick you up at 6:30. We are gonna go eat someplace too before the movie, since nobody can decide on what to watch we will need to discuss it."

"Okay sounds good. I'll see you then."

Once I hung up I flopped on my bed and screeched. I couldn't stop smiling. I was going to the movies with Tamaki! Even if it is a commoner theater and the other hosts will be there. I still can't wait! I gotta figure out what to wear! I want to impress him so badly.

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