Tamaki's friend🤢🤢

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I was walking to the host club to see Tamaki like I do everyday when I saw him in the hallway talking to Ami! Why would he be talking to her. She is so basic! And not to mention she still looks like she is going through that awkward middle school phase where all the girls do their makeup super ugly.

I decided to go up to them and try to get Tamaki away from her. As I got closer I saw that Ami's makeup was even worse that I thought.  Her eyeshadow was sparkly and so was her lipgloss. She had on way too much blush, her eyebrows are obviously not plucked, and to complete the package she has bad acne on her forehead.  If someone told me she was in high school I would not believe them.

" Tamaki! How's it going?" Tamaki turns towards me and smiles a very bright and beautiful smile.

"Hey y/n. It's going great. How are you?" He asks me. Ami over there is clearly feeling the awkwardness which is great.

"I'm good Tamaki thanks for asking." I look over to Ami. "So who is this?" I ask as sweetly as possible. I smile at Ami and she smiles back.

"Oh this is Ami, my friend ." He says.



Are you sure that is all she wants to be Tamaki? You can't tell by the way she looks at you that she wants to be something more? Not like she had a chance anyway since she is an ugly basic bitch but...I'm still super jealous.

"Nice to meet you Ami. I hope that we can be friends too." I smile and shake her hand. She smiles and nods at me. How pathetic. "Tamaki, isn't the club starting soon? You should get going." I tell him. It was nearly 6:30 the time the club starts. It runs for an hour until 7:30. So everyone involved can have 5 minutes to get to class.

"Oh I guess you're right" Tamaki looks at the time on his phone. There were 7 minutes until the club starts. "Well I will see you girls later. Also don't forget to drop by after school. Both of you okay?" Tamaki waves and leaves. Now it was just me and Ami. I bet I could benefit out of making her my friend. It will be easier to eliminate her. I look over to Ami and she is completely dazed. She is still staring over where Tamaki left. She definitely likes him.

That is why she needs to go

"Hey Ami." I tap her on the shoulder. She jumps a little at my touch. "Hey, uh, want to hang out a little? Since class doesn't start for another hour." I ask her.

"Well I was thinking of spending the hour in the host club." She says. Of course she would. Since she can't get attention anywhere else she goes to the host club. That is so incredibly sad.

"Oh okay. Well maybe some other time." I say as sadly as possible. She waves at me and says her goodbye. I watch her until she disappeared behind a corner.

I decide to spend the next hour in the library thinking about how I'm going to eliminate Ami. I thought of 3 things I could do to get rid of her.

1.kidnap her
2.poison her
3.drown her.

I wanted to keep as much blood off of my hands as possible so it will be harder for the police to catch me. I want to leave the least amount of evidence as possible. But of course if I have to I would be willing to stab a bitch for Tamaki. I would do anything for Tamaki. No other girl can have him. I will make sure of it. I look down at my notebook and smile from ear to ear.

Watch out Ami any of these days could be your last.

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