34- Friday, May 18th

18 1 0

2:37 PM

Very shortly after the family arrived, dark clouds rolled in from the lake. At first, it was just colder without the sun, but soon we began to feel the drops of rain on our skin. The family, disappointed, packed up and hit the road, chattering about getting some ice cream to make up for the lost beach day. Micheal and I decided to stay out a bit longer, hoping it would pass.

It did not.

One second it was drizzling, the next it was pouring down like there was no tomorrow. We stared at each other for a second, laughing as the rain fell, before running towards Micheal's car with our towels over our heads.

"So... it was a good thing we decided to dry our clothing inside the car," I say, reaching back to grab my shorts. They were still damp from the lake but it was better than sitting in just a bathing suit.

"No kidding," Micheal agrees, throwing his t-shirt over his head. We look at each other as the rain trickles on the roof, and I can hear the distant splash of raindrops on the lake as the rain continues to come down harder and harder. I can feel the damp strands of my hair resting against the side of my face, leaving wet trails. I reach up to brush them away-

But Micheal gets there first.

I inhale sharply, and Micheal's hand freezes. Our eyes never leave each other, and I become mesmerized by the striking shade of blue.

Suddenly, Micheal seems to jump and clears his throat. He reaches for the car keys and turns up the heat. "Um..." He clears his throat again, "Cold." He says by way of explanation.

I sit back as well, breathing deeply.

"So... it's almost 3:00... and it's raining..." Micheal says awkwardly, looking out at the lake.

"Yes, it is," I agree, just as awkwardly.

"Do you... I mean, it's a long drive, and it's raining- Do you want to start making our way back?"

"I can't think of anything else to do, unfortunately. It's too bad rain had to come along and ruin our day." I say, somewhat bitterly.

"Yeah," Micheal agrees, turning the key in the ignition. His music blares to life, and we both jump as another new artist streams out of the speakers.

Oh, Saturday Sun

I met someone

Out on the West Coast

I gotta get back, I can't let this go

Micheal hastened to turn the volume down, but I quickly reached out and grabbed his hand to stop him.

"It's okay," I reassured him, smiling. "Let's just listen for a bit. We'll have time to talk on the drive."

Oh, Saturday Sun

I met someone

Don't care what it costs

No ray of sunlight's ever lost

Micheal smiled sheepishly back, before snatching his hand away. We sat there for the duration of the song, listening to the singer play his ukulele and sing about a love he found but left behind.

At least, I think that's what it's about.

When the song ended, Micheal silently puts the car in reverse and pulled away from the beach, heading back the way we came without instruction. I still grabbed the GPS and put it on, and Micheal smiled at me thankfully.

Eventually, he did turn the radio down and we did talk.

And it wasn't awkward.

And it was nice.

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