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I watch as the procession heads through the damp grass, a group of darkly dressed strangers all pretending to come together to mourn someone they barely knew. It would have been nice to see, but there was only one person I wanted to make sure was there. One person, I would continue to watch out for, no matter what. But where was he?


I spot him through the crowd, a somehow darker figure among all the dark figures. He's back in his black hoodie, a pair of white earbuds snaking up from inside his shirt. I want to hear what he's listening to, want to listen to him as he talks about the bands or the albums or the songs.

But I can't.

I feel a presence beside me, and turn to see the angel watching me with a sad smile on her face. I should be resentful, but I know that there must be a reason.

"You knew, didn't you?" I ask eventually, staring at her. "That's what this has all been about. Right?"

"Not entirely."

"Just admit it," I say, "I was always supposed to die that night. You just didn't want Micheal to die with me." She nods, but I'm not content yet. "Why Micheal? I mean, of all the people to prevent from dying, why him?"

She takes a deep breath and looks at me with pained eyes. "You do crazy things for the people you love." She says, at last, shrugging.

"And you love Micheal because...?"

"Because I'm the woman who would wait on the front porch each day as he came home from school. I'm the one who made the best lunches. I'm the one who left him when he was nine, something I'll never forgive myself for. I couldn't let him kill himself. I couldn't watch him die. I'm his mother." She says at last, and I feel all the pieces of the puzzle click together. I stare at her, amazed, and she extends her hand, saying; "You can call me Veronica."

I shake her hand, then look back at Micheal, feeling my heart drop. "You know," I say, "This is potentially more dangerous to him than before. I mean, his only friend is... dead, and this won't be something that he can just get over."

"I know..." Veronica admits, "But I had to try. And, he won't be as lonely as you think."

"Will he find the money?" I ask, thinking back to the envelope I left at his house.

"Soon. And he won't be happy about it. But... that was a good thing for you to do, Kayla." I smile, replying,

"Well, I wasn't planning on using it then, and I definitely won't be needing it now."

Veronica laughs bitterly. "Will I see you tonight?" She asks after a moment, and I nod in response. She takes the hint and vanishes. I don't watch her go; I'm already walking over to Micheal.

I stand beside him as he stares at the new tombstone with tears in his eyes. It hurts for me to watch him go through that grief, but I made a promise.

I'm not going to leave his side.

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