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Ch. 1
(Привет= Hey)
(меня зовут= My Name Is)

It was only Alexis's sophomore year of high school but she was already captain of the cheerleading team. She heard a lot of talking going on around school about the new girl. Particularly from the football players, her boyfriend happened to be the quarterback on the team, and he was the one she heard it from the most. She knew he wasn't particularly interested in her or maybe it was just he wouldn't let himself be tied down. But he was constantly hitting on other girls and Alexis was pretty certain he was cheating but she just couldn't end things with him. Her dad could never find out she's a lesbian so the best thing for her was to stay with him so her dad was convinced she was straight. Besides it didn't hurt a lot knowing he was cheating since she didn't love him like she used to. It was hard sometimes because of her feelings but she mostly pushed them aside and forced herself to forget about him until the feelings went away. She wasn't sure who the new girl was, she hadn't had any classes with her yet though it was only second period, but all the guys seemed to be talking about her weird look and then quietly admitting they'd fuck her. As she picks up on a guy talking about her with his friend, saying the same thing, she scoffed in disgust and walked away to go to class before she was late. As soon as she entered she took her seat and noticed a girl she didn't recognize sitting in the one beside her. As she went to speak the teacher immediately called the girl to the front of the class, which she didn't seem happy about, and introduced her. "Everybody this is Jade, she just recently moved here from Russia."

Alexis watched as the girl, now known as Jade, gave a small awkward wave. Alexis could immediate tell she must be a very keep to herself girl which filled Alexis with interest immediately because in her very small experience usually quiet girls were very hard shells to crack, and Alexis was very much up to the challenge though she knew she shouldn't. What came out of the very attractive girl's mouth when she waved caused Alexis's heart to skip a beat and her cheeks heated up as she found herself immediately attracted to the accent and language the girl could speak. "Привет." Jade said as a greeting before going back to her seat next to Alexis.

As Alexis went to speak to her the teacher immediately started the lesson causing Alexis to lose her chance making her groan softly but shake her head. After the teacher finishes her lesson she turns to Jade again, giving her a sheepish look before starting to speak again. "H-hello. I'm uh I'm Alexis." She clears her throat and blushes. "Oh sorry you uh you probably don't even understand what I'm saying." She says remembering the girl hadn't spoken English when she greeted the class. "меня зовут Alexis." She says, immediately noticing how butchered she said that making her blush bright red.

Jade raises an eyebrow at her and smirks softly at her attempt to speak her language. When the bell rings to signify the end of class she stands and gathers her things before looking at Alexis again. "Nice to meet you Alexis, I'm Jade." She says with a small smirk before leaving the classroom.

When Alexis hears the girl speak, her thick Russian accent carrying her English words, she huffs and shakes her head at herself. She needed to be realistic, she'd never be able to be with Jade, her dad would murder her a thousand times over. She quickly grabbed her things and packed them into her bag before rushing out of class to get to cheerleading rehearsal. Apparently the football team was practicing today with their new recruits and wanted to give them the real experience so the cheerleading team and football team were practicing together.
Alexis couldn't believe her eyes when she walked onto the field. There Jade was dressed in a football uniform introduced as the first female football player of the school. She had a hard time practicing the entire time as her eyes constantly drifted to Jade but she had to act like she was only staring at her boyfriend instead. When practice was over Alexis took a walk over to Jade while her boyfriend was distracted. "Hey." She said softly and sheepishly. "Uh so you're uh the first. The first female football player huh?" She chuckled awkwardly. "H-How's that? I mean it's kinda weird y-you know being a girl and all."

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