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(доброй ночи= Goodnight)

Alexis had continued to eat less and less over the following weeks and it only got worse. She started to wear Jade's hoodie a lot more and her football jacket trying to hide how much skinnier she was starting to get. "Hey Lexi." Jade pops up out of nowhere at Alexis's locker at the end of the day.

Alexis jumps slightly in surprise and turns to Jade, raising an eyebrow at her. "Y-Yes Jade?" She blushes and closes her locker before adjust the strap of her bag on her shoulder.

"So I had an idea." She says as she motions Alexis to follow her out of the school. "You know the amusement park about an hour away? The one that's only open during the summer because of their water park?" Jade pushes the doors open and lets Alexis exit the school before she follows after her.

"Uh yeah what about it?" Alexis asks as she follows Jade out of the school and to her car, getting into the passenger seat as usual.

"Well I'm taking you there. I have nothing better to do and I don't feel like going home yet. Plus my mom told me I should take you there because you seemed kinda down lately and I agree with her so that's where we're going." She says before smirking over at Alexis and starting to drive. "But don't worry. We'll steer clear of the water park. I know how you feel about being under water."

Alexis growls but smiles slightly as she sighs and nods. "Alright fine but only because I know there's no convincing you otherwise." She mumbles.

Jade smirks at that and nods as she starts their hour and a half journey to the amusement park, having to stop on the way there for some food because Jade was starving.
"I still don't understand how the hell you aren't starving." Jade says as she shakes her head, walking into the amusement park with Alexis.

Alexis shrugs and chuckles. "I don't know I'm just not. I haven't had much of an appetite lately to be honest." She says. And it was true. After not eating for so long she had sort of gotten used to it and didn't really feel hungry much anymore. Usually she'd only eat dinner but even then she'd either have an apple or banana or pick at her food and only take a couple bites the entire time she sat at the dinner table.

Jade frowns at that but nods. "As long as you're eating at home then I won't pry. You are eat at home. Right?" Jade glances at Alexis as they walk through the park to decide what ride to go on first.

Alexis blushes not wanting to lie to Jade but she had to. Jade couldn't find out, she'd be so mad. So Alexis nods and gives Jade a smile. "Yes I'm eating at home don't worry." She answers as she looks around.

"Oh! Look!" Jade exclaims suddenly before tugging on Alexis's fragile wrist, from how little she's eat, and pulls the smaller girl to the roller coaster Jade had set her sights on. "Come on we have to go on it. It looks like so much fun!"

Alexis frowns and blushes as she looks away. "Well uh I don't know Jade I mean I'm not very fond of roller coasters." She blushes more and clears her throat. "Well uh I'm kinda terrified of them to be honest."

Jade frowns but finds herself chucking lightly as she gently guides Alexis to the line. "Don't worry Lexi. I'll be right here next to you the entire time. I won't let anything happen to you. Just ride it with me." She smiles and shrugs. "It's more fun when you ride a roller coaster with somebody else with you. Who knows? Maybe you'll enjoy it."

Alexis sighs and nods unable to say no Jade. "Alright aright I go on the roller coaster with you but if anything happens to me I'm blaming it on you."

Jade chuckles and nods as they get on the roller coaster. "No problem Lex. Whatever helps you sleep at night." She smirks teasingly making Alexis glare and growl softly.
They stayed at the amusement park for a while. They rode every ride they could and played so many games. Jade even won Alexis a few prizes after Alexis failed so many times. Their final ride of the day was yet to be decided. That is until Jade spotted the Ferris Wheel. "Here this can be our last ride. It's relaxing and quiet. It's the perfect end to a perfect evening."

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