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(милашка= Cutie)
(милая= Sweetie)

Alexis wasn't sure what to do about Shino. She couldn't imagine asking Jade about it, she didn't want to upset her when they just got together. She ends up not messaging Shino back and she just gets changed and heads to bed. In the morning she had a text from Shino on kik but she cleared it away not sure what to do yet about her and she gets ready for school quickly. As she checks out the window and notices Jade already there waiting she smiles softly and shakes her head as she grabs her bag and rushes outside. "Hey." She says as she approaches the taller girl.

Jade smiles and wraps her arms around Alexis. "Hey. Told you I'd be here." She leans in and kiss Alexis softly which Alexis returns eagerly.

"Wait." She mumbles as she pulls away. "We shouldn't do this out here. You know just in case." She motions to the house, her dad still home since he had the day off from work.

Jade nods and smiles softly as she pulls away and opens the passenger door for Alexis. "You're right. Let's get going." She says as Alexis gets in and she closes the door before getting in the other side. She starts to drive to school, stopping at Dunkin' Donuts and getting them each a coffee and a donut for herself, as Alexis said she didn't like their donuts. "Here. This is a much better place." Jade says as she parks in the school parking lot and shuts her car off. She takes her seatbelt off and leans over the middle console, trapping Alexis in a kiss again.

Alexis blushes lightly but she kisses Jade back immediately and giggles with a nod when they pull away. "You're right. It is." She says softly before kissing her again softly and then opening her door and getting out. "But we have to head inside."

Jade let's our a growl as she grabs her bag and her coffee as she had eaten her donut on the way to school. She gets out and locks the car after her before catching up to Alexis who was already walking towards the school. "You're such a tease damn it." She grumbles wrapping an arm around Alexis.

Alexis let's out a giggle and shrugs as they walk to the school. "Yeah I know." She smirks as they enter and she heads to her locker, Jade walking with her. "Shouldn't you get to your locker and get your books for class?" Alexis questions as she puts in the combination to her locker.

Jade shakes her head and shakes her bag on her shoulder. "Nope I keep all my books in here. Why else would I always be at your locker милашка?" Jade smirks at the smaller girl knowing she didn't understand her Russian.

Alexis rolls her eyes smirking as she shakes her head and gets her books out. "I swear. One of these days I'm going to learn Russian just so I can understand you." She mumbles as she starts to walk to class with Jade.

"Ah it just means Cutie." Jade says with a smirk as she grabs Alexis's ass before walking ahead of her and into their first period class.

Alexis blushes bright red at that and shakes her head before following Jade into class, ignoring how her phone vibrated in her pocket with probably another message from Shino but she just couldn't look at it or answer it right now.
After school that day Alexis had agreed to go over to Jade's house and the minute she walked in Barb immediately engulfed her in a hug. "Oh милая how have you been?" She asks as they hug.

Alexis chuckles lightly and smiles as she hugs her back and answers. "I've been ok. Jade told me that you were worried about me yesterday and that you suggested the trip to the amusement park. It was really a lot of fun. I appreciate it." She says nudging Jade for the last part after she and Barb pull away from the hug.

As Barb watches Jade smile and kiss Alexis's head she knew immediately that something happened between them the previous night and it made her smile. "Are you eating honey? You seem so much skinnier than the last time I saw you? Are you ok really?"

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