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Chapter nine. I hope you enjoy the finale of the story. And I hope you all enjoyed it as a whole as well. Thank you for the love :) ❤️

Alexis was more than happy to be with Jade and only Jade now. When Alexis wouldn't break up with her boyfriend Jade broke up with her. Breaking Alexis's heart. She even skipped school a couple days in a row which made her grades drop a bit and she was threatened with the possibility of being kicked off the cheerleading squad so she went back to school. They remained friends but for Alexis it was a lot to deal with. She pretended to be fine around Jade but behind closed doors she was a wreck. She eventually ended things with her boyfriend and she and Jade got back together. They faced more hardships when Alexis's dad found up and tried to make them break up and keep Alexis away from Jade but it only made Alexis resent him more and spend more time with Jade. 

They both graduated high school as the same Cheerleader and Football player couple they had always been. Alexis went on to attend college to get better at writing so she could become a writer and Jade, well she decided to go immediately into work. She knew a friend who got her into an office job that paid pretty well.

When Alexis turned 18 Jade asked her to move in with her almost immediately and Alexis was more than happy to do so. She packed her stuff up the same day and took it to the apartment Jade had moved into once she saved enough up from her job. She moved in immediately and honestly wouldn't change it for the world.

"Alexis dear." Jade says as she walks into the apartment after work one day. She notices her girlfriend sitting on the couch, her legs crossed with her laptop on her lap, and a glass of hot cocoa next to her on the coffee table. Jade couldn't help the small, fond, smile that spreads across her face at the sight before her but before she could say anything else Alexis speaks up.

"Yes my love?" Alexis says, not even looking up from her laptop as she rapidly types up her assignment for class that was due the day after tomorrow.

Jade walks over to her and slowly eases the laptop off of Alexis's lap and onto the coffee table before sitting in front of her and taking her hands in her own. "Listen Lexi. You should take a small break from that."

Alexis immediately shakes her head and tries to grab her laptop again but Jade stops her. "Jaaaaade." Alexis whines and huffs. "I have to finish this assignment!"

Jade shakes her head and stands, pulling Alexis with her. "Not right this second you don't sweetie. What you need to do is go change into that dress I bought you the other day and told you that you had to wait to wear it. Today's the day and you have no choice. So go change and then when we get back if you're not too tired I'll let you work on it. And if you are too tired I'll help you finish it tomorrow, since I have the day off."

"You have the day off?!" Alexis's eyes widen and she smiles wide before sighing softly. "Alright alright I'll go get dressed and we can do whatever it is that you have planned." Alexis says before kissing Jade's cheek and then rushing off to get changed.

That was the night everything changed for them. The night Jade took Alexis out for a nice dinner at their favorite restaurant. They spent the night chatting and eating until the desert came. Jade had ordered it ahead of time and got Alexis's favorite dessert from the restaurant and then before she could even take a bite Jade was on one knee giving her proposal speech and Alexis was crying while repeatedly saying yes.

That night Alexis never ended up working on her assignment. She and Jade ended up in bed together all night and when they woke up in the morning she put off her assignment until later so she and Jade could have some more fun.  Jade had eventually helped Alexis finish her assignment just in time for them to cook dinner together as well.
5 years later...

"Mommy! Мама!" Alexis and Jade heard from the front door as the twins walked in from school. They had adopted a set of twin sisters the year prior at the age of 7 and taught them a bit of Russian so they could call Alexis mommy and Jade Мама.

Alexis, now a rising author in the community, quickly follows the sound of Lily's voice. "What's the matter Lily bug?" She asks kneeling to her height as Jade follows, standing behind Alexis. 

"We gotta leave!" Sophie explains for next to her sister. "It's our birthday we gotta go go go!" She exclaims as she tosses her book-bag to the floor and Lily does the same.

Jade chuckles from behind Alexis and picks up the book-bags, putting them away where they go before she grabs her keys. "You're right you two. We should get going." She says as Alexis grabs her coat and chuckles lightly at how excited the twins were.

They get to the place that they were having the party at and immediately finish setting things up that Jade's parents hadn't already done for them and as the party starts Jade watches with Alexis, smiling softly at the sigh before them. "I'm so happy I married you." Alexis mumbles out of nowhere.

Jade smiles and nods in agreement as she wraps her arms around Alexis and kisses her head. "So am I my love. You and the girls are the best things that could ever happen to me."

Alexis smiles and hums as she wraps her arms around Jade and watches the twins with her. "I want another. Kid that is. But biologically. I want to carry our baby and deliver it. I want to experience that for us." Alexis says before frowning. "Lily! Sophie! No don't do that!" She huffs and rushes off to the twins quickly.

Jade stares at Alexis in shock when she mentioned them having another kid and her carrying it. She watches her wife interact with their twins and a smile spreads on her face quickly and she nods. "Yeah. I wouldn't mind having another." She mumbles to herself as she watches her wife and kids. To her, she was the happiest person on earth and she couldn't ask for more. She had everything she wanted. But she's definitely not opposed to watching Alexis grow their little baby in her stomach. That she was looking forward to the most.
The end to 'A Complicated Love" was a little unexpected but inevitable. Thank you all for sticking by the story and if you enjoyed it then I'm glad :). Comments and votes are forever appreciated. And who knows? Maybe I'll start a new story soon.


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