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(Bullshit= чушь собачья)
(My love= моя любовь)

Alexis had spent the first half of the day thinking about what Jade asked of her. After their first class she told Jade she'd think about it and when lunch time came around she knew she'd have to give Jade an answer. Her answer ended up being a yes and when asked to have a quickie by Jade she had to tell her she wasn't feeling great today so that Jade didn't find out about the injuries she had from her dad.

When cheerleading practice came around after school a few of the girls had noticed her injuries when Alexis's makeup started to come off with her sweat but she managed to convince them not to tell anybody and since they were all pretty good friends they agreed to make sure nobody found out about Alexis's injuries. Which was going to prove to be hard because the football team had a game the next day which meant the cheerleaders would be there to cheer them on and Alexis wasn't sure if any amount of makeup would hold up the entire game.

Alexis went home that day and talked to Shino on imvu for a bit but it was so late after all the extra practice for the game tomorrow that she ended up falling asleep on Shino and in the morning apologized profusely on Kik. When Alexis left her house for the game Shino had already told her it was ok anyway.

As soon as Alexis stepped foot outside in her uniform and her bag with her makeup in it on her shoulder she noticed Jade leaning against her still running car waiting for Alexis. "Jade?" Alexis let out a giggle. "What're you doing?"

Jade smirks and opens the passenger side door watching Alexis walk towards her. "Giving you a ride to the game of course." She winks and smirks.

Alexis let's out a huff and gets in the car, immediately getting her pack of cigarettes out and handing one to Jade as she got in. "I appreciate the ride Jade." She says with a smile before lighting her cigarette and then lighting Jade's for her.

"Well we're both going to the same place so I thought why not? It's no trouble Lexi." She says as she drives and Alexis can't help but to eye her up and down. She wasn't in her full uniform for the game but that was because it would make driving even harder. Alexis couldn't help but to think about what she'd look like in Jade's jersey and she immediately blushes and looks out the window at the thought. She had a boyfriend. She shouldn't be thinking about anybody else.
________________________________Alexis had missed the way that every chance Jade got she would stare at Alexis, cheering them on from the sidelines with the rest. And she couldn't help but to think that maybe Alexis was cheering for her, not her boyfriend. It wasn't until halftime that Alexis had noticed the makeup was coming off and her injuries were visible. She took a glance around and noticed the football players hadn't went to the dressing rooms yet but they were already announcing the cheerleaders' halftime performance so Alexis was forced to be the center of attention with her injuries slowly becoming more and more noticeable. When they finished she rushed off to the dressing room but as soon as she entered Jade turned to her. "H-hey." Alexis let out a huff from her jog to the dressing rooms. "I just uh gotten freshen up." She mumbles hoping Jade doesn't see the injuries as she goes to her bag to get her makeup out.

Jade nods and watches her before sighing softly and looking away from the injuries. "So." She clears her throat. "Who did it?" She mumbles.

Alexis glances over at Jade and sighs knowing she had seen the bruises. "What? Nobody did anything Jade. I'm fine." She says though she didn't have much faith in Jade believing her.

"чушь собачья! I can see them!" Jade stands and goes to Alexis. "Every single one of them Lexi I can see." Her voice cracks and she blushes as she looks down. "I-I just. I just wanna know who did it. Please stop lying to me."

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