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Ch. 6
(Боже мой= Oh My God)
(Мама= Mom/Mother/Mama)
(дорогой= My dear)

Alexis sat up quickly, having been woken up by some kind of noise. She checked the time and noticed it was 2am making her frown confused. She had school the next morning and she really needed sleep. She huffs as she climbs out of bed and immediately let's out a small startled noise when she notices Jade at her window, sitting on a tree branch from the tree outside. "Jade what are you doing?!" Alexis whispers harshly as she opens her window.

Jade gives her that same flirtatious smile she's been using to get sex out of Alexis for the past few weeks. "I came to visit." Jade shrugs as she climbs in.

"Visit my ass. It's 2am! Go home Jade." Alexis huffs crossing her arms as she glares at Jade, not closing the window, trying to indicate to Jade to leave.

"Aww come on Lexi. Listen ok? I'm sorry I woke you up." Jade says as she slowly gets closer to Alexis. "Let me make it up to you ok?" She whispers as she shuts the window and gently pushes Alexis's hair off of her neck. "Just relax." Jade mumbles before starting to softly and seductively kiss at her neck.

Alexis lets out a small huff and a moan as Jade kisses at her neck. "J-Jade if you get caught in here." Alexis mumbles. 

Jade smiles softly and gently guided Alexis to her bed. "I know I know. I'll be careful. I wouldn't want you to get hurt." She says as she pulls her football jacket off Alexis's shoulders and smirks at the sight before her. "Somebody didn't wanna wear a shirt." She comments as she continues to kiss from her neck to her chest.

Alexis huffs and nods. "Shirts are overrated. Your jacket is much more comfortable and warm." She says softly already giving in to what Jade was doing to her.
________________________________By Friday Alexis's life had just completely turned around. Sure she still had Jordan but that didn't matter to her because she didn't have Jade anymore. Well she still had her as a friend but other than that Jade had ended things. When Alexis got home Friday she curled up in bed wrapped in Jade's jacket as she tried to tell herself that she shouldn't be so upset about this. She huffs as she grabs her laptop and gets on imvu, loading into the room Shino is in. "Hey." She types when she loads in.

"Hey there cutie. How's your day been? I was hoping I could ask you something." Shino replies as she moves her avatar to Alexis's.

"It could've been better. But what did you wanna ask? Maybe it'll make my day better." Alexis answers as she inhales Jade's scent from her jacket.

"Well how about this I'll message you on Kik. It's more of a private thing and if it doesn't go well I don't wanna listen to John tease me about it forever." Shino replies before texting Alexis on kik. "Ok so here it goes. Akari, I've had fun with you and our relationship on imvu. I understand that you have a boyfriend but I was wondering if maybe we could really be together? Exclusively? Like irl and imvu."

Alexis blushes at the message Shino sends to her on kik and sighs as she answers. "Well I appreciate it Shino. I do. And I'd love to. However I just I have too much stuff going on irl right now and I don't think I could handle going behind his back or even breaking up with him just yet. I'm sorry."

Shino read the message with a frown and doesn't answer. She goes back to imvu and talks to Alexis there for a little while longer but she only lasts an hour before she has to get offline to deal with the rejection. When Shino got offline Alexis does too and does her homework before dinner. She glances at the window before she goes to bed that night reminding herself that Jade won't be sneaking in like she always does. Around 2am Alexis wakes up as usual but sadness fills her when she realizes Jade wasn't there and wouldn't be anymore. She forces herself back to sleep despite how much hurt she felt.
________________________________It took Alexis another week before she could handle going out to lunch with Jade again at school. After Jade ended things the first thing she did Monday was apologize to Alexis which she hadn't accepted until the end of that week so they spent that time not talking much. Alexis couldn't fully be happy around Jade like she used to be anymore and Jade seemed to understand that. Alexis also hadn't heard from Shino after she shot her down and she could only imagine that Shino felt the same way she had when Jade ended things. As Jade and Alexis stood, ordering at McDonald's for lunch, Jade glanced over at the rather silent Alexis. "Lexi? You usually just get a kids meal."

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