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Ch. 2
(увидимся тогда= See you then)
(моя любовь= My love)

It took Jade a few weeks to become friends with Alexis again. It also took her a few weeks to ask Akari to be her gf on imvu. But when she finally did and they both said yes she ecstatic. "Alright so we on for lunch together today? It's been a while." Jade asked Alexis at her locker the morning after they made up.

Alexis have a chuckle as she shut her locker and nodded. "Yup! I'll see you then. Oh and uh let me know how football practice goes. Cheerleaders have practice after school today." Alexis frowns at the idea of not being able to go home and talk to Shino immediately but she had to go to practice.

"Oh uh football practice is being held after school as well actually so uh maybe we'll run into each other." Jade have a small chuckle and then sighs. "Alright I gotta get to class. Meet me outside at my car for lunch. I'm taking you somewhere new. And no I'm not telling you. увидимся тогда." She smirks at Alexis before heading off to go to her class

Alexis growls and pouts at not being told yet and also not understand her Russian but she gives a huff and grabs her things for class before heading to her first period quickly.
When lunch time comes around Alexis meets Jade at her car and as she waits on her she lights a cigarette. She only gets a couple puffs in before seeing Jade come out of the building, a girl hanging on her side. Jade seems to tell her something that makes the girl nod and quickly run off back into the school and when jade approaches she uses Alexis's cigarette to light her own. "Didn't quite feel like getting my lighter out. Girls at this school I swear." She rolls her eyes

"Hey I'm a girl at this school!" Alexis pouts and takes a puff of her cigarette giving jade a half hearted glare

Jade chuckles and shakes her head as she ruffles Alexis's hair. "I know you are. But you're my friend. And you're not hanging all over me and trying to fuck." She shrugs. "There's a difference." She smirks and pats her head before heading to the driver's side door of her car. "Alright come on моя любовь." Jade says the last part with a smirk, teasing Alexis because she knew that she didn't understand it.

Alexis huffed as Jade once again said something she couldn't understand. What made it worse was that even if she remembered she couldn't spell it to look it up online. She took another puff of her cigarette and then got in the car with Jade with a huff. "Listen I cant understand your language so you better not be saying anything bad about me." She grumbles at Jade.

Jade chuckles and shakes her head at Alexis before starting to drive out of the parking lot. "I'm not saying anything bad about you Lexi. I promise." She says

Alexis gives her a growl and glares at her. "Lexi isn't my name. It's Alexis." She grumbles and huffs as she rolls her window down for the cigarette smoke.

"Hm whatever you say." Jade mumbles smirking over at Alexis as she drives them to wherever she was surprising Alexis for lunch at.
After practice they both leave and when Alexis gets home she gets herself something to eat, seeing a note from her parents that they would be late today, and then she heads upstairs to her room, getting on her laptop immediately and loading into imvu. She finds the room that her and Shino usually hang out in but as she enters she sees the 'twistedgrin' guy there that she had learned to be Shino's brother but Shino wasn't there. "Oh hey there John. Um is Shino around?"

"Hey there Lex. Um no not yet. She'll probably be back soon. She called and told me she was picking us up something for dinner. Our parents just left for their anniversary and they're gonna be gone for a few days so it's up to us to get our dinner." He answers after a bit.

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