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(Fuck= Блядь)
(I wish she was mine= я желание она была моей)
(My fucking luck= моя чертова удача)

"Jesus Christ Alexis." Jade huffs as she finally gets the very drunken Alexis to her room and in bed. "Alright now I gotta get you changed into pajamas Lexi." She says as she heads to Alexis's dresser. She digs around until she finds a pair of pajamas but as she pulls them out she sees a box about as big as a shoe box, under the pajama set. Jade glances back at the mumbling Alexis in her bed, giggling as she tries to undress herself, and then she takes peek in the box. As soon as she sees the toys and handcuffs in the box she quickly shoves it in the dresser and comes back to Alexis. "Alright Lexi this is all I could find."

Alexis looks up at Jade as she unfolds the pajama set and she immediately blushes when she notices it's her onesie. "Oooo nooo Jade. I sleep nakies." Alexis giggles as she looks away. She hadn't worn any of her little stuff in so long that even when drunk she got self conscious about it.

Jade raises an eyebrow at the onesie but seeing as how it was all she could find she huffs and sets it down. "Not tonight you don't Lexi." She says as she helps Alexis get undressed. Jade tosses the dirty clothes in Alexis's hamper before turning back to her and noticing somehow Alexis had gotten her bra and panties off. "Блядь я желание она была моей." Jade mumbles to herself as she looks over Alexis's body.

Alexis let's out a giggle as she hears Jade. "What'd you say? Your Russian's cute but I can't understand it." She mumbles around her thumb, a little habit she hadn't done in a while except when she's asleep.

Jade chuckles at the sight before her but she shakes her head and grabs the onesie to take her eyes off Alexis's body. "No nothing Lex just wondering how you managed to get your bra and panties off."

Alexis giggles and holds up her thong next to her. "This wasn't hard. But I wasn't wearing a bra tonight." She smiles as if she's proud of herself and Jade huffs as a small moan escapes her lips at that information.

"T-that's nice Lexi. Let's get you dressed." Jade says as she helps Alexis sit up and she slowly pulls the onesie on her. She helps Alexis lay back again and then she looks down at the crotch of the onesie realizing she had to button it. Jade took a deep breath and reached over, buttoning the onesie closed hiding Alexis's pussy from her view once and for all. "All set." Jade gives Alexis a smile at how cute she looks in the onesie but she knew with how shaky her hands were when buttoning it that her fingers were bound to smell like Alexis's pussy and it already had her pussy throbbing. "I-I gotta get home".

Alexis whines at that and grabs Jade's arm. "Nooo don't go. It's so lonely here at night. And so cold. Just stay." Alexis was basically whispering by the end of her sentence but Jade understood and smiles softly. Jade slowly and gently takes her arm out of Alexis's grip making her whine and reach for Jade again. "Jade pleeeeaseee?"

Jade chuckles and sighs softly. "I'm not leaving Lexi. I'm just locking your door so nobody can walk in here in the morning. From how you describe your parents they don't sound like they'd take too well to me being in here." She explains as she locks the door and takes off her hoodie she had put on after dinner as she had gotten chilly and then she crawls into bed with Alexis

It didn't take long for Alexis to fall asleep leaving Jade wide awake next to her, holding her as Alexis had requested as she fell asleep, trying to get the image of her pussy out of her mind. It took her a while but she eventually started to drift asleep until she heard Alexis let out a moan. Jade's eyes shot open as she listened closely and heard Alexis moan again. Her breathing picked up and jade couldn't take her eyes off the smaller girl who seemed to be having a wet dream. She had gone a little while without letting out another moan so Jade closes her eyes intending to go to sleep but she soon felt Alexis move her own hand from under Jade's arm to between her legs and after that it wasn't long before she heard the snap of Alexis's onesie being unbuttoned. She watched Alexis for a few moments but the girl was still fast asleep except now Jade could feel her touching herself. "моя чертова удача." Jade mumbles to herself as he listens to Alexis moan in her sleep. When her moans get louder Jade quickly covers Alexis's mouth to muffle them so nobody tries to come in. Jade knew if anybody called for Alexis she'd wake up and it would ruin what Jade was enjoying so much. She kept her hand on Alexis's mouth until she heard her cum. She let her hand loose a bit just enough that she hears 'jade' come out of Alexis's mouth as she came. Jade stares, wide eyed, until Alexis was done. When she moves her hand from her pussy Jade couldn't help it anymore and reached down to Alexis's pussy. She could immediately tell she was soaked and Jade moved slowly to get between her legs and once she was situated she started to clean Alexis. Apparently she was still horny cause she quickly started to moan and Jade had to cover her mouth again as she started to eat her smaller friend's pussy happily.

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