the day just started...
i am a grain of sand.
nothing much to see here really or in this case read, huh
it's very early in the day so the beach isn't open yet.
i am just chilling, lucky to be in the surface instead of the ground like my other fellas. could it be that i'm preparing myself for the mayhem of when the beach opens? or maybe when the sun begins to rage upon everything in this beach.
i don't know
i'm just a grain of sand at a beach.
the beach just opened..
i can start to feel the vibrations of vehicles close by. are humans coming in already? seems like it, but what would i know..
i'm just a grain of sand.
it is now the afternoon
everything has been peaceful so far..
i can hear the humans chatting with eachother aswell as feel the vibrations of them moving.
but i am very lucky that they aren't close to me, from a far i can see some of my acquaintances being formed into a structure of sorts.
a sand castle perhaps?
i don't know.
i'm just a grain of sand.
... i can feel them coming...
.. closer and closer..
. but i can't do anything.....
because i'm just a grain of sand....
i am now partaking in a dance of sorts.
being moved from side to side by the humans, getting picked up and being forced to fall down.
i go..
up and down,
up and down,
up and down,
and up and down-
........ it stops...
.. i feel them move away..
but wait
they are coming back, but this time with a bucket of water
i am just a grain of sand.
i am moist-
i've been splashed with a wave of salty water by them.if i couldn't move before because of the simple fact that i'm simply a grain of sand-
now i'm rooted to my companions as we are being lifted yet again to be dumped into the bucket.
it's dark..
and uncomfortable..
to be moist whilst being so close to a lot of other grains of sand..
i can feels us moving, until there isn't any light, even for just a moment..
i can feel the bottom af the bucket vibrate with intensity,
but what can i say,
i'm just a grain of sand.
i can see the light again, aswell as feel the intense wrath of the sun burning throughout the beach.
i can sense myself higher than usual until i realize that,
i am now part of a sand castle.
not so long pases until i feel a force plunging me and other grains of sand far into the air,
we are flying,
but we're getting closer to the shore.
i land in more moist sand and feel the ocean back away only to come back stronger.
i am being dragged into the ocean.
i am a grain of sand currently in the ocean floating away more and more from the shore..
i can't tell what time of day it is...
everything is dark..,
and cold...
my day started out peaceful,
but now i am lost in the ocean..
i'm just a grain of sand, once in a beach, but now in the ocean.