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As it turns out their failure to keep up was more underestimating their opponent as All Might and Endeavour swiftly found out his long range skill was far worse then his close to mid range. Despite that being their preferred distance as well the two hung back All Might launching blasts of air and Endeavour fire.

It quickly became apparent that Izuku could not keep up with the two at such a distance. Nor could he close the distance as if he tried to charge one the other would attack him from behind this left him with one option. He would fight to run away.

Izuku unleashed dozens of weak attacks that just barely reached the two heroes and corralled them together. Though they were far from close together Izuku charged the two of them. His body formed a battering ram of incredibly sharp blades. Even his intangible wings now fully extended around ten meters long where sharpened to a razor edge. Whether or not they would do anything was answered when the left wing sheared through a piece of rubble like it was butter.

As he raced towards them the two heroes prepared to dodge. However when the time came for them to leap out of the way Izuku made the blades disappear. His wings remained the same length as he zoomed past the two heroes who weren't able to strike him properly.

Izuku kept on flying till he was damn near out of the city. At which point he keeled over panting his hands on his knees. And then he heard a gun being cocked. Looking up he saw a couple dozen cops and other forms of police waiting guns out.

"Ok really, just fucking really, yah know what fuck it arrest me throw me in jail right bloody now please". Izuku said wrists held out and his face screaming done with this shit.

There was a small cough from a tea drinking mous-beeeaaar, no dog like man "Actually there will be no need for you to be taken to jail instead you will be enrolled at my school, or you can go to jail if you wish I suppose"."Huh of course I'd rather go to you- wait is that why everyone has been attacking me"."Well yes". Nezu said with an innocent tilt of his head.

"So you got some of the most skilled heroes in the world to attack me just so you could offer me an exclusively beneficial deal"."Yes". And at this point Izuku blew up at the small creature. Somehwhat literally "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU NOT JUST ASK ME, ITS PURELY BENEFICIAL WITH NO NEGATIVES WHAT SO EVER IF YOU HAD JUST ASKED ME ON THE STREET EVEN I WOULD HAVE FUCKING SAID YES BECAUSE WHY THE HELL WOULDN'T YOU".

During this rant Nezu took a long draught of tea which he gently put in its platter before saying "Well when you put it that way, it makes quite a bit of sense". Izuku face palmed "The smartest person on Earth is bloody a moron".

Okay so I may have run from writing that fight scene but can you blame no matter who won there or even if no one won it would have taken the awesome away from so many fights.

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