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After the battle Izuku found out his failures were ten fold, the league had kidnapped both Todoroki and Tokoyami. Why those two, hell if he knew. But hes determined to get them back.

Nezu had called a meeting with him and a few other people. Including but not limited to All Might, Endeavour, Best Jeanist and Tsurugamae Kenji the chief of police.

For a short while they sat in silence. Some of the mot dangerous men in the country, if not the world, had been gathered here today to save a couple teenagers. Izuku would've laughed at the thought, were it not for the fact that out of all of them he was the worst. Arguably not the most powerful, but definitely the worst.

Nedzu swiftly broke the silence with a soft cough. "Uhum, well as you likely all know we're gathered here to rescue two of my students, one Shoto Todoroki and Fumikage Tokoyami, however I have something potentially more concerning then the danger there in". There was a small amount of confusion from those gathered. Though Izuku could hazard a guess as to what the problem was.

"One of our students Momo Yaoyorozu, planted a tracker on the being known as Nomu and its signal is no coming from a building here". Pressing a button on his desk a map lit up behind him with a red dot over a building in a rundown neighbour hood. A lot of people lived around there, but all of there were to wary or experienced to just waltz into a seemingly empty building. "The reason this is a cause for concern rather then joy, is because all our investigation thus far has led us to this building". Another press and another map, this time the light was in a truly dialect area, were only villains or squatters live.

Most them were taken aback by this, though most hid it well. Nedzu after seeing his point had sunk in continued "As you all know if there's two branches then there's likely more, however as this moment we will concern ourselves with the mot pressing matters, All Might, Endeavour, you two along with several other high ranking heroes of your choosing, and the full support of the police force, will handle the main base where we believe they are holding the students". He switched the map back and looked to Best Jeanist "You will simultaneously look into this, Nomu storage facility, along with team of solely heroes which I have chosen for you, including but not limited to young Midoriya there, now I will continue to detail the plans that me and mister Tsurugamae have made".

Yall don't want to her the plan not in full so here yeah go, sorry for forgetting to write.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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