
978 21 2

A/N: i didn't edit this chapter so i'm sorry if there are any mistakes.


I finally left the studio after a whole day of working on our new songs with Tris, James and Connor. We all dropped out of university and started a career as a band, called The Vamps. We've became quiet famous after our first album dropped. We've been on two tours now, we're working on our third album. I'm living my dream, except one little thing. Evelyn is missing from the picture. It's been two years since I last saw her, but I still miss her. I don't think I will ever be able to forget her.

After we broke up because of my dumb ass plan with my dad, Maggie told me Eve dropped out of university and moved into an apartment on her own. She also told me that her whole life changed because of me, but I didn't really understood that, and don't understand now either. I tried to get it out of Maggie, but she wouldn't tell me. She was really pissed off, even though she knew about the whole deceiving plan my father came up with.

My father... Thank God he's not in my life anymore. After him and my mum finally divorced, he moved out of the house. I know he's company is still successful and he's still working with Eve's dad, but that's all I know about him. He tried to contact mum, Nat and even me, but none of us answered his calls. In fact, I changed my phone number, so he can't call me anymore.

I snap out of my thoughts when I bump into someone as I enter the small coffee shop right next to the apartment complex I live in.

"I'm so sorry, let me-" I say quickly, but then cut myself off when I look into those familiar, chocolate brown eyes. I just stand there like an idiot, completely shocked and surprised. I open my mouth to say something, but the words just won't come.

"It's okay," Evelyn finally speaks up, looking down at her shirt. It was all white before she spilled coffee all over it, thanks to me. Now I cam clearly see her black lace bra, the one that she always wore when she wanted to surprise me.

"I- uh... let me b-buy you another one," I stutter out, taking my eyes off of her shirt.

"You don't have to, really," she shakes her head like the stubborn girl she is.

"Please," I plead, looking into her eyes. I can hear her quietly sighing before she shakes her head. I can't help the grin that plays on my lips while we make our way to the front. I order her a latté and a black coffee for myself.

To my surprise, Evelyn agrees to sit down with me at a table. We sit in silence for a bit, sipping our drinks. I keep glancing at her, but whenever our eyes meet, I look away quickly. I'm still ashamed of what I did to her two years ago. I wish I could take back the time and tell her about my father's plans right away. She deserved so much more than I could've gave her. I was a fucking bad boyfriend. I always yelled at her, deceived her and didn't show her just how much I really loved her.

"So, I heard about the band," she speaks up, stopping my train of thoughts. "Maggie showed me a few songs. I really like them," she smiles a genuin smile.

"Thank you," I return her cute smile. "I heard you moved into an apartment on your own," I say.

"Yeah. I didn't want to stay in the dorm and my mom helped me buy the apartment," Eve explains.

"Maggie told me your life changed... because of me. What did she mean by that?" I furrow my eyebrows. The words come out before I could even think them through.

"Uh... I-I don't know... Maybe she was talking about uhm... me moving?" she stutters. That's definitely not it, but I won't pry. I don't deserve any kind of explanation after all.

For the rest of the time we spend together in the coffee shop, I ask her about her job. She actually is a writer now, just what she wanted all along. She wrote seven books now.

"I will read them all," I smile, making her laugh as we exit the coffee shop.

"It was nice meeting you again," Eve smiles up at me. I nod in agreement, returning her smile. "And thanks for the shirt," she points to the hoodie I gave her to cover her shirt.

"Not a big deal. I ruined your shirt after all," I shrug. Just like I ruined everything, I add in my mind.

I watch as Evelyn walks away, waving at me one more time before sitting in her car and driving away. I sigh, walking into the apartment complex and entering the elevator. As soon as I reach my floor, I exit the small room and search for my keys. I enter my apartment and walk into the living room. I turn on the TV and watch a random channel. I zone out, thinking back to the old times with Evelyn; the good ones. How we used to cuddle on my couch and watch a Netflix movie whenever she came over, the walks in the park, the way she leaned on my side in the school's hallways and during dinner with the others. This past hour definitely showed me how much I really missed and still miss her all along. There's no way I will ever love someone as much as I loved and still love Evelyn.


A/N: so, this is the first chapter to the sequel. it's kind of short and i'm sorry for that, but i hope you still liked it xx.

MISSING YOU; Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now