I know you, you know me
We know each other
We say we're friends,
But in reality, not completely.
From simple preferences
To major decisions in life.
From mannerisms
To hobbies.
We talked about random things.
We agreed and denied each other.
We were the 'best of friends'
Or so we thought.
We know each other
Only by the surface
Even so, we told ourselves
'We know each other well'
This friendship was not fake
We were real with each other
There were no hidden agendas
Yet, we failed to nurture 'us'
We got stuck in the primary stages,
We failed to advance,
We did not share our grievances,
We hid the despair and sadness.
We failed to be with each other emotionally
And drifted our attention to the physical ones
Only by each others' sides when morning
When the night conquers we forget.
Deep within our hearts we yearn for a love
But we don't make the effort to get.
Since, at the back of our minds we think,
"She seems like the others."
AcakAn outlet for all negatives. Just a way to relieve stress. Poetry. Monologues. Rants. Its all here. Randomly felt and randomly writtten. That's it.