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"I play Al Pacino's butt

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"I play Al Pacino's butt."


"Oh, look, look! There's Joey's picture. This is so exciting!" Rachel pointed to our friend's headshot in the playbill.

"You can alway spot someone who's never seen one of his plays before. Notice, no fear, no sense of impending doom." Chandler spoke up. I smacked him on the shoulder with my playbill.

"The exclamation point in the title really scares me, you know?" Phoebe spoke up. "It's not just Freud, it's Freud!" She replied.

"Quiet. The magic is about to happen." Ross shushed us as the lights dimmed. Joey started off singing a song with a German accent about a guy's thing. After the play ended, we stood up and applauded for him as the cast bowed. Once they finished and got off stage, the six of us groaned tiredly and sat back down.

"I feel so violated." Rachel said.

"Did anybody else feel like they just wanted to peel the skin off of their body to have something else to do?" Monica asked us. Rachel stood up, ready to leave.

"Ross, 10:00." Chandler nudged Ross' shoulder.

"Is it? It feels like 2:00." Monica's brother sighed.

"No, 10:00." I looked over to see a pretty woman dabbing some powder on.

"What?" Ross was still oblivious as to what Chandler was saying.

"There's a beautiful woman at 8:00, 9:00, 10:00." He practically pointed at the woman. Ross finally saw her. "She's amazing! She makes all the women I dream about look like short, fat, bald men." He complimented her.

"Go over to her. She's not with anyone." I glanced back at him.

"Yeah, right. What would my opening line be? 'Excuse me...'" He started blubbering, making us laugh at him.

"Come on, she's just a person. You can do it." We supported him.

"Please, could she be more out of my league?" He let out a sigh. "Ross, back me up here."

"He could never get a woman like that in a million years." Ross replied. Chandler wrapped his arm around Ross' shoulders.

"Thank you." Chandler pat him on the back.

"You know, you always see these really beautiful women with these really nothing guys. You could be one of those guys." We back him up.

"Okay. God, I can't believe I'm even considering this." He stood up. "I am very, very aware of my tongue right now." He tried to sit back down.

"Come on. You can do this." I pat him on the back. He nodded his head and went over to her. Joey then came out, thankfully, without his beard and glasses.

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