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"Hey, stick a fork in me, I am done

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"Hey, stick a fork in me, I am done."


"Uh, excuse me, folks, this is a—" One of the security guards tried to stop us.

"Closed set. We know. But we're friends with the monkey." Joey clarified for him. The security guard held his hands up and backed up, letting us through.

"Good morning." Ross greeted the woman carrying Marcel. "Hey, pal. Look what I brought. It's your old friend, Harry Elephantay." He handed the monkey the stuffed animal. But Marcel just threw it to the ground before running off.

"Woah, dude. Burn." Joey shook his head and slightly chuckled.

"I don't get it." Ross bent down to pick up the toy. "He seemed happy to see me yesterday." He looked down sadly.

"Don't take it personally." One of the guys, most likely another one of Marcel's caretakers, reassured Ross. "He's under a lot of pressure, you know, starring in a movie..." He trailed off.

"Now just how big of a star is Marcel?" Rachel spoke up in question.

"In human terms? I'd say...Cybill Shepherd." The handler nodded his head. We all let out gasps and words of shock and surprise.

"Hey, Sal, Jerry wants to know if the monkey's ready for the subway stunt." A woman walked over to us.

"Excuse me." Joey interrupted them. "Jerry's the director? Which one's he?" He was excited.

"The one in the director's chair." The woman pointed behind her.

"Gotcha." He nodded his head. He gave my hand a squeeze, which was our way of secretly communicating with each other. "Phoebe, walk with me." And the two of them left our group. Rachel, Monica, and I were walking down the set when Monica pulled the two of us behind some fake brick wall.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" Monica squealed. "It's Jean–Claude Van Damme." We saw a woman patting some powder onto his forehead. "I didn't know he was in this movie. He is so hot." She screeched.

"You think?" Rachel tilted her head.

"'The Muscles from Brussels'?" Monica used his popular nickname. "'Wham–Bam Van Damme'? Did you see Timecop?"

"No. Was he good in it?" Rachel glanced back at her roommate before staring at Jean.

"Rachel, he, like, totally changed time." Monica was in full fangirl mode.

"Why don't you go talk to him?" I bumped Monica's hip. "Or should I? I don't know if he remembers me." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Hold on, remember you?" Monica and Rachel turned to look at me.

"Yeah. I had to interview him to be a model for Calvin Klein, but he didn't go with it." I shrugged my shoulders at them.

"Alright, go!" Monica pushed me forwards, almost making me fall. Once I regained my balance, I walked over to him.

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