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"Nice breasts, by the way

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"Nice breasts, by the way."


"So, your first sexual experience was with a woman?" Chandler questioned.

"Alright, I was fifteen. It was my best friend Ruth, and we got drunk on that hard cider, and then suddenly, I don't know—we were making out." Bonnie flailed her arms.

"Tell it again." Chandler kind of stared at her dreamily. "Seriously." He became more straight–faced.

"Please ignore him." I whacked my brother upside the head, who yelped and glanced back at me with a glare. I raised an eyebrow at him, which made him cower back.

"I mean, is that woman capable of talking about anything else but sex?" Rachel scoffed in jealousy.

"Yeah, sure. Well, you know, earlier she was talking about geography." Joey pointed out.

"Joey, she was listing out the countries she's done it." Monica reminded him.

"Well, I think we all really learned something." Joey nodded his head. "We should keep track of the places we've done it in." He glanced down at me.

"New York." I held up one finger. "That's it." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hey, you guys, look what I found." Phoebe came running into the coffeeshop. "Look at this. That's my mom's handwriting." She held up a photo.

"Me and Frank and Phoebe, Graduation, 1965." Chandler read the inscription.

"Do you know what that means?" Phoebe asked him.

"That you're actually fifty?" Joey calculated the math.

"You got the math right." I leaned against him.

"No, no. That's not me Phoebe. That's her pal Phoebe." Pheebs clarified. "According to her high school yearbook, they were, like, BFF." She added. "Best Friends Forever." She answered our nonverbal question.

"That's so cool." Rachel handed her back the photo.

"I know. So this woman probably has all kinds of stories about my parents, and she might even know where my dad is. So I looked her up, and she lives by the beach." Phoebe informed us. "This weekend, we could go to the beach!" She jumped up and down.

"We can, yeah." Ross agreed.

"Shoot, I can't go. I have work." Bonnie grumbled.

"That's too bad." Ross pat her leg.

"Aww, big fat bummer." Rachel faked a pout.

"Great. Okay. Tomorrow, we'll drive out to Montauk." Phoebe declared.

"Hey, Bonnie had sex there." Joey pointed out. "Let's have sex there." He whispered into my ear. Earlier in the morning the next day, we waited for Phoebe to bring over her cab.

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 ━━ 𝐣𝐨𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐢Where stories live. Discover now