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"Oh. My. God."


"Hi." Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey, and I walked into Monica's apartment. Ross and Rachel were sitting at the dining table, surrounded by Chinese takeout boxes.

"...gets interrupted." Ross trailed off. "Hi." He smiled back at us.

"Hey, guys. How was the movie?" Rachel asked us.

"Oh, so good. Wonderful. I cried three times." Monica, Phoebe, and I gushed.

"Suck fest. Total chick–flick." Joey and Chandler complained.

"I'm sorry it wasn't one of those movies with, like, you know, like, guns and bombs and, like, buses going really fast." Phoebe apologized to them sarcastically.

"Hey, I don't need violence to enjoy a movie. Just as long as there's a little nudity." He replied.

"But there was nudity." Monica said.

"I meant female nudity, alright?" Joey clarified for her. "I don't need to see Lou Grant frolicking."

"Hugh! Hugh Grant!" Monica, Phoebe, and I corrected him for the third time tonight.

"Alright, I've got to go." Ross stood up. "Come on, Marcel, come here." Marcel jumped one Ross' back. "Yeah, we're going to go take bath. Yes, we are, aren't we? Yes, we are."

"They're still just friends, right?" Chandler asked Joey jokingly.

"And I will see you tomorrow." Rachel scratched Marcel's back, and he made some noises.

"That's right. You're going to spend tomorrow at Aunt Rachel's, aren't you?" Ross' voice became high–pitch and babyish.

"Hang on. Hang on. Doesn't Aunt Monica get a say in this?" Monica walked over to them.

"Pwease, Aunt Monica? Pwease?" Ross used the same baby voice. "Oh, unclench. You're not even going to be here." He went back to his regular voice. The next evening, Rachel called us to the apartment frantically.

"How could you lose him?" Joey asked her.

"I don't know, I don't know. We were watching TV, and then he pooped in Monica's shoe..." She tried to explain.

"Wait. He pooped in my shoe? Which one?" Monica ran up to her.

"I don't know. The left one." Rachel shrugged her shoulders.

"Which ones?" Monica inquired.

"Oh. Oh, those little clunky Amish things you think go with everything." Rachel replied while pounding a pillow.

"Hey." Phoebe walked into the apartment. "Woah. Why is the air so negative in here?" She asked while removing the 'negativity'.

"Rachel lost Marcel." Chandler stuffed his hands into his pocket.

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