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"It looks like a fun gang

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"It looks like a fun gang."


"I mean, is that ridiculous? Can you believe she actually thought that?" Chandler looked at us while we were stuffing our faces with Chinese takeout.

"Um...yeah." Rachel let out a chuckle. Chandler gave her a look. "Well, I mean, when I first met you, you know, I thought maybe...possibly you might be." Rachel shrugged her shoulders.

"You did?" My brother asked her.

"Yeah." She nodded her head. "But then you spent Phoebe's entire birthday party talking to my breasts, so then I figured maybe not." She answered.

"Huh. Did any of the rest of you guys think that when you first met me? Of course, except my little sister." He looked at all of us.

"I did. Yeah, I think so. Kind of." Monica and Phoebe responded with nods of agreement.

"See, I thought you were going through a phase or something, and turns out, you were." I smiled. "And that phase is still continuing from the looks of it." I cleared my throat.

"Not me." Joey shook his head.

"No, no. Me neither." Ross reassured my brother. "Although, uh, you know, back in college, Susan Salidor did. "He admitted.

"You're kidding." Chandler was literally sitting on the edge of the couch. "Did you tell her I wasn't?" He asked his best friend.

"No." Ross glanced up before going back to his food. "Well, it's just 'cause I kind of wanted to go out with here, too, so I actually told her you were seeing Bernie Spellman who also liked her, so..." The rest of us were trying not to laugh but stopped when Chandler saw us.

"This is fascinating. So, uh, what is it about me?" He asked.

"I don't know." Phoebe shrugged her shoulders and stole a piece of broccoli from me. "'Cause you're smart, you're funny—"

"Ross is smart and funny. Do you think that about him, too?" He looked over at her.

"Yeah, right!" Phoebe replied, making the six of us laughed.

"What is it?" He exclaimed since we couldn't give him a straight answer.

"Okay, I–I don't know. You just...you have a quality." Monica started, the six of us agreeing.

"'A quality'. Good." Chandler stood up with his plate of food. "Because I was worried you were going to be vague about this." The phone started to ring, so Monica picked it up.

"Hello?" She asked the person on the other end. "Oh, Suparna, it's Matt. He's calling from Rome." Monica handed me the phone.

"Shoot, I gave him the wrong number. But I can't believe he's calling from Rome." I squealed and took the phone. "Buon giorno, caro mio." I giggled and walked away from them. {Good morning, my dear.}

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