- Sasuke x reader -

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Trust Me

"This is getting way too dangerous Sasuke. Either you're going to have to stop coming here, you're going to have to be more stealthy, or I'm going to have to move. Sakura interrogated me about you yesterday." Annoyed by your current situation, you let out a loud sigh as you slumped down into your chair. "I wouldn't be surprised if she's installed surveillance in my house."

"You worry too much. I've been sneaking into the leaf for years, no ones ever been able to find me. Even if Sakura found me here, what could she possibly do?" Sasuke snorted, mumbling something about Sakura being annoying.

"Fine, but when you get caught, remember, I warned you." His complacency was upsetting you a lot more than it should, but you couldn't help it.

Sasuke looked over at you without showing even the least bit of concern. "Do you want me to stop visiting you?"

"No, I don't want you to stop visiting me. I like seeing you as often as possible." You pushed yourself from your chair and paced around the room. "I just don't want you to get caught, and if the villagers think you're here, they aren't going to stop looking until they find you. They're obsessed with finding you, and it's weird."

Leaning back, Sasuke rested his head on the back of the couch, and sighed. "So what exactly do you want me to do?" He was even more apathetic than normal. Usually he would at least pretend he cared, but today he was brushing you off at every turn.

You stood in front of him, leaned down and placed your hands on his shoulders. "I want you to be careful. I really don't think I could handle it if something else were to happen to you again."

Sasuke pushed back the wayward strands of your hair and kissed you. "I told you, nothing's going to happen. Even if they did find me, what could they do? They wouldn't kill me, and no jail cell could hold me." He have you a reassuring smile. "So just relax, it's going to be fine."

His words did very little to ease your worries, but you tried to at least appear more calm than before. "I guess you're right." Still just as worried as ever, you turned around, sat in his lap and wrapped your arms around him. "We should probably find something to do, other than stare at the wall. It is just a little boring doing nothing you know."

"I guess." You really didn't know what to do with him today, he seemed completely uninterested in everything. "Do you have anything in mind?"

"Well no, not exactly. But just about anything is better than doing nothing." Thinking to yourself, you tried to find something to do, but your mind was drawing blanks. "Maybe we should go somewhere, or do something. I can't think of anything to do inside."

"You're worried about me being in your house, but you're not worried about me being seen outside?" Sasuke nodded slowly as an amused grin appeared on his face. "You really confuse me sometimes."

"Okay, so maybe going outside is a bad idea, but I don't know what to do." You dropped from his lap onto the couch and stared up at the ceiling. Suddenly, it hit you, you knew exactly what you wanted to do. "Why don't we play a little game, a trust game?" You rolled off of the couch and ran to your kitchen. "You coming or what?"

"I don't think I have much choice." With the same level of enthusiasm as always, Sasuke drug himself away from the comfortable couch and into your kitchen. Once there, he saw the table loaded with everything from cayenne pepper to molasses. "I have a feeling I'm not going to like this game."

"You'll be fine, now sit down and I'll explain the rules." Sasuke obeyed, but did so reluctantly. "As you can see, I have placed a wide variety of food products on the table. The goal is to first of all, guess what the other person has put in your mouth. Each correct answer is worth one point. You can also mix stuff together to make things harder. The game ends when someone gets sick."

Sasuke stared at you like you'd gone crazy. "So the point of this, is for me to make you sick?"

"Pretty much." You nodded. "I'll go first, just in case you're confused. Now, are you ready?"

"I don't think I am really, but judging by your smile, I don't see where I really have a choice." He gave the items one final look and closed his eyes. "If you do anything stupid, like stick a rock in my mouth, don't think I won't hurt you."

"Sure you will, now open your mouth." Knowing how much Sasuke disliked sweets, you'd purposely mixed together a few of the sweetest ingredients you had. You placed the mixture of sugar, vanilla, chocolate, corn syrup and raspberry jelly in Sasuke's mouth. "Delicious, isn't it?"

Though it was obvious he wasn't enjoying your concoction, he didn't seem disgusted by it either. "It just tastes like a cookie. I'd say it's a mix of sugar, chocolate, vanilla and raspberries. You could have made this taste a lot worse."

"Dang, you're pretty good. You only missed one thing." A little disappointed he'd done so well, you wrote down his score and shut your eyes. "Are you about done?" It was taking Sasuke a long time to make whatever he was making, and that worried you.

"Open your mouth." The almost evil tone to his voice really bothered you, but, you did as he said. You immediately regretted doing so. Whatever he'd made was completely grotesque. It was spicy, chunky, soupy and made you want to hurl. Unable to handle it, you ran to the trash can and spit out his concoction. "Well, that worked better than I thought."

After rinsing your mouth out, several times, you turned around and glared at him."What on earth was that?"

"Cinnamon oatmeal, hot sauce, pickle juice, milk, and cheese puffs." He smirked. "I guess this means I win, right?" Sasuke leaned back in his chair and placed his hands behind his head. "And I thought this would be a challenge."

"I was trying to be nice. You aren't supposed to go all out on the first round!" You groaned. "I thought that would be obvious."

Sasuke couldn't help but chuckle. "You're really worked up about this." Standing from his seat, Sasuke walked over to where you standing and placed his hands on your blushing cheeks. "This was your idea you know. And if you'll remember, I was perfectly content staring at a wall." Smiling apologetically, he gently pressed his lips against yours for a short, sweet kiss.

His kiss quickly calmed you down and made you feel sheepish. "Yeah I know, but I really didn't expect you to be so evil. And this really didn't help me trust you at all."

Sasuke raised a questioning brow. "If you trusting me or not depends on a game, then I'd say you don't really trust me anyway." His face turned slightly red as he continued to speak. "Besides, you've done too much for me, I couldn't hurt you, not even if I wanted to."

Your heart began to melt at his words. "I guess you're right." Hugging him tightly, you buried your face in his chest and breathed him in. "You do kind of owe me for saving your life after all."

Sasuke wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled his nose in your neck. "I know I do, and eventually, I'll find a way to repay you for what you've done. Even if it takes me an eternity to do it." With things quickly getting too emotional for Sasuke to handle, he pulled away from you and changed the subject. "Now, why don't we go stare at that wall some more, I think I've had quite enough of this game."

Knowing the real reason he was changing the subject made you smile. You truly hoped that one day he'd stop running away every time things got slightly emotional, but for now you would have to be content with the way things were. "Sure Sasuke, but first we need to clean this up."

He hung his head and sighed. "I was hoping you'd forget about that."


from- Devianart
by- iconvampiregodesnyx

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