Shikamaru x reader

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That's all there is to it

   It was a normal day in Konoha. (y/n) was walking around the streets, hoping to catch a glance of her best friend, Shikamaru. Usually he would be hanging around his family's forest or the village valley, or anywhere he could watch clouds without being disturbed.

        (Y/N) faceplamed as she mumbled to herself "He's the laziest ninja in the whole village, but when it comes to where he's going to relax he'll go sixteen extra lengths" She grumbled angrily to herself as she stomped through the village, with a face that might as well have had pissed written on it in large bold letters.

        Shikamaru is a lazy genius. That's all there is to it.

        "Oh! (Y/N)! There you are!"

        The (H/C)ed girl turned around in surprise to see the blonde haired shinobi and his purple haired girlfriend.

        "Oh! Good Morning Naruto-kun. You called me?" She asked, turning to face the cute couple

        "Uh yea" Sakura smiled " We saw Shikamaru in the Village fields a few minutes ago. He told us he was looking for you"

        "...For me?'

        After a short walk (Y/N) finally made it to the Village fields. A smile creeping onto her face as she eyed her favorite pinapple head. She skipped down the hill, sliding to a stop next to her bestfriend.

        "You were looking for me Shikamaru?" (Y/N) smiled as she sat next to the lazy-ass shinobi

        "Oh yea" he sighed as he slowly pointed up at the sky "The clouds were nice and I was enjoying it. I thought you might too"

        (Y/N) gave him a funny look "Why me? Shouldn't you ask your girlfriend?"

        "Tsk" Shikamaru sighed, clicking his tongue "You know I don't have one." He gave a small pause "Most women are too troublesome anyway"


        "What do you mean by that?"

        Shikamaru shrugged "I don't know. Most things are troublesome. Fighting, troublesome. Dogs, troublesome. Music, troublesome. Bossy girls, troublesome" He said, sticking out his tongue to show an extreme lack of disintrest

        Bossy Girls

        (Y/N) suddenly straightened up. An extremely touchy and strange question coming to mind "W-Would you ever date a troublesome girl?".

        (Y/N) is a troublesome and bossy girl. That's all there is to it.

        Shikamaru looked at her, his brown eyes scanning her face, slowly but surely. Almost as if there was something in her eyes that he was searching. He was looking for something special...out of the ordinary.

        He then looked away, clicking his tongue once again. Turning his face away, trying to hide his blushing face away from his best friend "What kind of question is that?"

        (Y/N)'s heart gave a small pang at his words. "Oh. Okay" She nodded, trying not to dwell too much on his words. As much as she tries to deny it, as much as she hates the fact, (Y/N) loved Shikamaru.

        She loves the lazy-ass. That's all there is to it.

        So they sat in silence, watching the clouds. Their emotions weighing heavily on their minds.

        Suddenly a drop of rain fell on her face. She wiped it away, turning to Shikamaru "It's starting to rain. We should get going"

        He nodded, slowly standing up and helping (Y/N) up onto her feet. Then, they walked home on silence. The rain started to sprinkle, creating a few feet between them (Y/N)'s eyes widened in sudden realization. She had no chance with Shikamaru. He wanted simple, she was complicated. He wanted easy, she was difficult. He wanted soft and relaxing, she was course and annoying.

        He'd never think of her that way. That's all there is to it.


        (Y/N) looked up at her best friend. He had a sudden strike on his face as if he suddenly remembered something. "I never answered your question"

        The (H/C)ed girl looked down, her (E/C) eyes starting to water and mix with the rain "It's no right? You'd never date a troublesome girl" (Y/N) laughed, trying to make a joke of it. She wasn't doing a very good job.

        "Now why would I say that? After all" He paused, stopping his walking, causing (Y/N) to turn around and face him. A sheepish smile appeared on his face "I love you"

        (Y/N)'s eyes widened "W-What?"

        Shikamaru gave a deep chuckle, reaching over and grabbing her hand. He then pulled her towards him, causing her to fall towards him as he held on of her hands next to his head so she would be forced to face him. He then looked at her with a tired, happy smile

"Troublesome woman. I love you, and that's all there is to it"

(Shikamaru x Reader) All there is to it.

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