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(this picture is soooo my life! lol!)

Y/N P.O.V 

I drove away from the house and all I could think about was what he did in the past.

'UGH! Y/N get a grip over yourself!'

I reached my office and Jisoo was waiting for me.

"Jisoo, what is this sudden meeting about?"

"oh, we just got a new contract from a huge hotel management. so they wanted to speak to you in person...." she said. a big smile formed on my face.

"I know you are happy but compose yourself!" she said and this is why she is my secretary. she knows me so well to help me and sometimes even guide me.

I walked into the room with a warm smile. they explained what the plan was and other things related to the project. this contract is going to bring our company greater success. the meeting ended calmly and successfully. I walked back to my room with Jisoo.

"okay you can let it out now!" she said and I jumped.

"Jisoo!! This is amazing! this is going to take our company to new levels! I am so proud of all our workers!!" I said jumping around.

"I know! I am proud of you too! Mr. Park is going to be so happy! you should go home!" she said and pushed me out of the office.

Jimin P.O.V (after Y/N left)

"well Vincen how about we tour the house and you can meet the rest of the guys?" Jin suggested.

"umm... yeah sure. by the way Jimin, you h-ave a b-eau-tiful h-ou-se" Vincen pushed the words out. 

'thats what you get for messing with my wife!' 

"thank you so much Vincen! now shall we?" I asked and Lola was just enjoying the show.

"sure!" he said and we left.

"okay so this is the dinning..."

"wow" he said

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"wow" he said. 

"this is the kitchen.... one thing you need to know is... Y/N and I get REALLY mad when someone messes with the kitchen, so try and avoid that..." Jin warned. 

"oh okay.." Vincen replied.

" Vincen replied

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