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Jimin P.O.V 

I can't believe she went through so much! she was bullied! she cut herself! she cried herself to sleep! she never told me anything!

'WEA?' (why)

"Jimin-ah.." I heard harry say. I looked at him.

"lets go out shall we?" he asked and we all walked out. all the boys were fooling around, but the second they saw all the three of us they froze. 

"Jimin-ah.... gwenchana?" Jin came up to me. I just hugged him and cried. he was rubbing my back, while the rest of them tried to calm me down.

"jimin-ah stop now! at least tell us why ur crying this much! we have never seen you cry this much! Jimin-ah jebal!" Jhope said, wiping my tears with his sleeve.

"she- she went through so much and never said a word. she suffered! she cried! she deserves better than me! I should have treated her like a princess, a queen, but I never did. I should have worked harder for her and given her everything she deserves. I FEEL LIKE THE MOST USELESS HUSBAND!" I shouted.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP PARK JIMIN!" I heard a female scream with a wobbly voice. I immediately recognized it, Y/N.

"YOU SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU!" she shouted and cried. Harry and Matt ran to her side to hold her up.

"Y/N-ah! WHY? WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME? AM I THAT BAD OF A HUSBAND?!" I shouted back at her crying my eyes out.

Y/N P.O.V 

I was standing there all along. I knew that Harry or Matt would tell him even though I told them, i would want to do it personally. I was going to tell them about the new member of the family but.....

when he shouted at me it reminded me of the time i got beaten up back in college. he was crying and I was crying. this is all because of VINCEN!

"YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?! THEN LISTEN TO MY USELESS EXPLANATION...." I shouted back and all of them looked at me.

"its because..... because i didn't think he would come back into my life. i didn't expect to meet him again in my life. i didn't expect him to come back to take my beautiful life away and rip it apart. i didn't expect him to come back and challenge my own husband. i didn't expect him to come and spread the word about me. i didn't expect him.... TO DESTROY ME AGAIN!" i shouted the last part and collapsed in Harry's arms, crying.

"Y/N-ah what do you mean by spread word about you?" Jin asked as Harry helped me sit on the couch.

"he spread the word that i am married to jimin...... it is on the top searches. the company is trying their best to find the person who spread this rumor, but i know they will be unsuccessful..." i said. there was complete silence in the house. i softly cried to myself. 

after a few minutes, i felt a hand around me. i knew it was Jimin. he pulled me closer to his chest and i continued to sob. he hugged me tight and he softly cried with me. after sometime he held me shoulders and broke the hug. he looked into my eyes...

"Y/N-ah, i know now, what you went through. i am really sorry for shouting at you like that. i am just really scared of loosing you. i love you way too much to loose you! you gave me life and happiness Jagi. but knowing that i might have not given you the happiness you deserve breaks my heart..... and about Vincen. i will make sure he gets the taste of his own doings. he has brought his own destruction! he doesn't know what is about to come his way. he will suffer 10 times more than you did. i will destroy him in such way that he will not be able to show his to anyone again..................Jagi, saranghae!" he said and kissed me. all the rest of them were just smiling. 

Vincen P.O.V 

Time skip (this is a little after Jimin comes home) 

today, I decided to tour around and ask people about Y/N and Jimin. i had asked Sungbin to post about Y/N being married to Jimin!*evil laugh* 

i walked around and found a girl sitting on the bench with an id around her neck.

'she must know something about them...'

"excuse me?" i said and she looked at me. 

"i wanted to ask you something... may i?" i said and she nodded her head.

"do you happen to know who Park Y/N is?" i asked. she looked slightly shocked but soon smiled and answered..

"the CEO of one of the top interior designing companies. my boss and buddy." she smiled and my jaw dropped. 

"what do you mean boss and buddy?" i asked her.

"i am Park Y/N's secretary, Jisoo.." she smiled and pulled her id in front of me. my jaw dropped. 


"umm.... then do you happen to know Park Jimin?" i asked.

"oh, Mr. Park.... he is the king of the entertainment industry. the CEO of the LinHit entertainment!" she said with a big smile on her face. my heart dropped.

'i messed with the wrong people. how did not know about this? if i hurt Jimin's feelings he could destroy me in a blink of an eye! Y/N could do the same!'



i immediately call sungbin after saying thanks to Jisoo. it rang a couple of times and he finally picked up.

"HEY BOSS! WHATS UP?" he shouted through the phone with excitement.

"sungbin, DO. NOT. post the word about Y/N and Jimin!" i said 

"but Boss-" i cut him off.

"no buts! we will be destroyed if you post it! we messed with the wrong people sungbin! wrong people!" i said.

"But Boss i already posted it. its on all social medias. its on the top searches as well..." he said.

"WHAT?!" i shouted through the phone.

"OMG! SUNGBIN WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!!" i shouted again and sighed in frustration.

"but Boss what is the problem?" he asked.

"the problem.... the problem IS THAT WE ARE MESSING WITH THE KING OF ENTERTAINMENT AND A TOP COMPANY CEO!" i whisper shouted through the phone.

"they are what now?" he said and i cut the call. 

'i fucked up big time!'

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