Chapter 8: known

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Favourite song ever 👆☝️

Jk knew JN and SG will be over protective over Tae.
JN is like a mother who doesn't want her children to leave the nest and to always stay under her wings and even if SG looks super not interested in anything but say or do a single thing to his brothers or closed friends/ family  and he'll show you hell.

Those two will have to deal with reality and JK attends to make it official with Tae and tell him about their kind gradually.

He won't let those two stand in his way even that smiley ( sorry J-hope stan).

He was now holding Tae from going to his brother and feeling proud while smirking, also Kai was puffing his chest feeling great about what his mate just said.

NJ came running and asked " Babe, what's wrong? " , as he saw JN glaring at JK but can sense that he is feeling a little hurt so he asked JK in the mind link.
"What did you do? "

"And why you always assume it's me or I had a hand in it? " answered JK.

"And you don't?" Said NJ raising his eyebrow.

"Well, it dependents."

"Baby, came to Jinie." said JN extending his arms and interrupting the inside conversation between the two.

"Humm" hummed Tae while trying to stand and withdrew from JK'S arms that's caging him.

And when he heard a growl caming from him he stopped and turned around.

"It's ok Jungkookie, I'm just going to my brother, he won't hurt me or anything." assured Tae while caressing his cheek making him lean to his touch and relax.

NJ and JN were both surprised by the scene in front of them.
NJ never saw his big bad alpha like that, being nice and calming in a matter of seconds. 
He remembered one time when he got angry that his own mother couldn't tame him .

JN on the other hand was surprised by his brother's boldness and behaviour, he never saw him like that to his own family.

He just turned around and said
"Breakfast is ready, go freshen up and came downstairs." and with that he left with NJ by his side.

When they went to the kitchen, NJ saw a tear down JN's cheek and his heart hurt .

" what's wrong babe? Are you sad that Taetae didn't came to you? Don't worry,  he was about to but that bastard held him, please don't cry." said NJ trying to comfort his mate even if it means selling his alpha.

And that when Jin spoke with his face buried in his chest "No, im happy, happy that my baby can talk and stand up for what he wants, don't get me wrong, I'm not approving their relationship but my baby is growing up and becoming an adult without me."

NJ smiled at his mate's way of thinking and seeing things.

He really is a caring and loving person although he sometimes gets jealous of him calling the boys names and spoiling them but he tries to be open minded and if Jin is the mother then he will gladly be the father.

After breakfast, the boys went to school and everyone was looking at them with envy, jealous, exited, angry and more .

The portion of students that are werewolf could smell their alpha scent on Tae and they were confused and happy for him for finding his mate and them for getting their Luna.

The human portion were angry about their PDA. The two couples were already known and they were waiting for the confirmation of the third one.

Tae was really getting uncomfortable with this much attention. He is already shy and kind but he is loved no matter what.
He was getting confused because some were looking at him and slightly bow to him and smile a little. He didn't understand what was going on and JK could feel his state.
He squeezed his hand and made him look at him " what's wrong? Is it too much for you ? Holding hands and making our relationship known? " started JK showering Tae with questions that he started shaking his head like a dog and Kai smiling at that.
" words babe!!" Stated JK.

" it's just that some people are being weird and I don't know but it looks like they are bowing to me and I know this can't b" announced Tae rapidly and was stopped with JK interrupting him.

"Yeah, hhhh, that can't be, emm, there are just giving you known looks that they are approving this." said JK first rubbing his neck and then holding both their hands in front of Tae's face when he said 'this'.

He then started walking again taking Tae to his classroom while announcing in his mind link to all the pack " stop bowing to my mate and scaring him, he doesn't know about us . If anyone talks or interacts with him or even look him in the eye, they will have to deal with me." while letting Kai's voice come out in the end to make it clear and final.

All that was heard after was "yes alpha."

And when he was about to talk to his mate besides him, his head started ringing when his mother screamed and his father growled.

They both were talking in the same time,  the mother scolding and congratulating her son for not introducing his mate and planing the wedding from now while his father was screaming that he didn't tell him about his mate and scaring the little children and elders when he used his alpha tone.

' fuck' said Jk and regretted when his parents head it so he just said that he will came after school and explain everything.

He made it to Tae's class and perked his cheek earning a gasp from the cutie infront of him and a glare from Jin.

"We will meet at lunch break, ok, love you." he whispered the last part in his ear and kissed him one more time that he almost regretted it when he saw how red and cute he looked and he was about to step to the class and others could see his blushing mate that was only for his eyes.

He turned around and told Jim to keep his eyes on him and also let him know if anything happened.

The classes went smoothly and the six sexy cute boys met at lunch break but JK's happiness didn't last when he saw Jh and when Tae practically jumped and hugged him that was the last straw.

He was about to go and break his neck when Tae felt his anger and sadness and went to him hugging him and sitting in his lap making Jk stiff and Kai howling with happiness.

He wasted no time to cage him and bury his head in his neck brushing his nose over his sensitive skin earning a giggle from Tae.

He long forget about everything and everyone when JH said his HI's to the boys and when Jin asked him about his business in school, JK wanted to kill him at that moment.

"Welcome your new motivation coach.".

I wanna give JH a mate .
Should it be a girl or boy????🤔😋

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