I woke up to my phone buzzing, I picked it up and grogilly accepted the call. "Hello"I said wearily " Hello is this Thalia Malony?" The female voice said. " Yes this is she, what can I do for you" I said getting my composure. "I'm ms lanolin owner of lanolin mystics after looking at your application i would like to have you come in for an interview, say 11 today" ms lanolin said. "Yes, of course, thank you for taking interest in my application" I said trying to keep my composure but I was just so exited i  couldn't help it. " then it's settled, I will see you soon, goodbye" she said finaticly. "goodbye" i replied then hung up. Oh my god yes, i was going to get a job. I was estatic. I got up and got into a nice outfit. Some leggings and a black blouse, with blue floral lacing. I walked out of my room, nooka was still asleep it was her day off and she told me she normally sleeps in till noon. I made myself two pieces of toast and cleaned before writing a note and heading out. I walked down to the shop 15 minutes early, I had brought a notebook with me so i could take notes about the job. I waited ten minutes before going in, ms lanolin was an aged but beautiful black deer, with inquisitive turquoise eyes. I walked into the well lit shop, erbs, remedies, and books of all kinds lined the shelves, and mystical looking items sat neatly on shelves and display cases by the counter and scattered throughout the room. I walked toward the counter, "hi my name is Thalia Malony we spoke earlier on the phone". I say reaching my paw out for her to shake. She accepted and said. "Yes , it's wonderful to finally meet you, just follow me and we will get started on the interview" I followed her through the beaded doors that led to a hallway, there were two doors, one a bathroom and the other was an office. She led me into her office, she sat down in the chair behind the desk, and i sat across from her. "Hmmmm" she said Erin me with those sharp turquoise eyes watching my every movement. "Ma'am?" I asked. "I'm just getting a read on you, it's quite puzzling, I normally can read everyone fairly easily but you I just cant, you have this wall that i can't penetrate, but enough of that onto the interview" she said, I nodded agreeingly. "Have you had any previous job experience?" She asked. I nodded " yes I have had a few part time jobs, all of witch I quit either due to payment or environmental conditions." She nodded Takeing down notes. "Will you be able to work weekends if need be , althoe rare it still can accur?" I nodded again. " yes that would be fine" I said kindly. We continued these sort of questions for a half an hour before she said "your hired, would you be okay to start on monday?" She asked handing me a small packet. "Yes of course, thank you for the opportunity " I said greatfully. She nodded with a kind smile then walked me to the door and told me I started on Monday at 10 am. I left and headed hack to the apartment. When I got back i found nanooka sitting at the table paying bills.
I didn't want to bother her so i went to my room and took a nap. I was happy my life was heading for the better, it was all i could ever ask for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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