Chapter 2

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The day before...


The rusty alarm clock was vibrating,beeping... and annoying the crap out of Noodle.

''Mmphh...go to Hell...'' Noodle mumbled as she stretched her arm toward the coffe table, not wanting to open her eyes. She felt around the table with her palm, but couldn't find the alarm clock. The beeping sound continued and she thought she'll go crazy.

No,she wasn't the morning type.

She lifted her head from the couch's armrest and quickly sat up. A bit too quick, she felt faint and went blind for a few seconds. She rubbed her eyelids with the tips of her fingers and blinked for a few times, her eyes adjusting to the light, as the clock was still making that awful sound.

She reached out with her hand, took the clock, violently pressed the button to stop the beeping and tried to toss it to the other side of the room.

The attempt of throwing the clock didn't go that well, as Noodle felt a horrible pain in the back of her shoulder and let go of the clock. It landed on the floor with a clatter, just to start beeping again.

Noodle groaned, she was hoping the clock was happy, for it had suceeded in waking her up. She reached to take it, but someone had already taken it and turned it off.

2D was standing in front of Noodle, holding the clock in his hands,staring into her bright green eyes.

''Sumfink wrong, luv?''

''Everything is wrong, 2D! It's wrong that I have to sleep on this piece of junk! It's wrong that my body is sore from everything that has happened! And it's wrong, that, whenever I see Murdoc, the only thing I can think of, the only thing I feel, is the need to hold him in my arms and never let go.'' Noodle was crying in her mind.

''Noods?'' 2D asked, when he noticed she zoned out.

''Oh...I'm fine, 2D'' Noodle rubbed her eyes to stop the tears from flooding her eyes, but yawned and stretched to make it look like she was rubbing them because she was sleepy.

2D didn't buy it. He was a bit slow, but he could see she wasn't fine.

He plopped on the couch next to her and put his arm around her shoulders. She couldn't hold the tears back any longer, she started to sob, and put her head on 2D's chest.

She dug her face into his shirt and listened to his heartbeat.

He didn't ask her anything, he knew she was too weak to talk. She enjoyed the silence and started to calm down a bit as she inhaled his sweet butterscotch scent. The only sounds were her soft sobbing and his breathing,until...

''23 bottles of rum on the wall...''

2D quickly pulled away from Noodle. She got up from the couch and rushed to the bathroom.

How would Murdoc react if he saw her crying? Especially if he knew she was crying over something as trivial as love? Her sobbing got worse and she was trying to catch her breath. She closed the door and leaned against it.

''Stop crying, Noodle'' she whispered to herself. She was breathing heavily and her face was red as if someone painted it.

She heard Murodc's and 2D's voice coming from the study.

''Morinin' faceache.'' said Murdoc as he hit 2D at the back of his head.

''Oi! 'ave yew gone mental?'' 2D was rubbing his head,trying to ease the pain. He pulled his bottle of painkillers out of his pocket.

''Long ago.''

''Wo's wrong wif yew t'day? Yew seem... 'appy.''

''It's nice to have Noodle back an' all,y'know?''

Noodle got closer to the door, carefully listening to the boys' conversation. She sat on the cold tiles and tried to take a peek through the keyhole ,but there was a thick layer of dust so she couldn't see a thing.

''Mudz,d'ya fink... Noodle 'as... changed? ''

''Dullard'' Murdoc replyed '' If you meant t'say she's got tits now...

''No no no!'' 2D cut him off, ''I meant, she doesn' like spenin' time wif meh anymore... And she cries alot. ''

''Well the time she spent in Hell wasn't exactly a holiday, now, was it? And no one likes to spend time with ya, twerp. ''

''Oh yea,well,Noods does. At leas' she did. ''

''Oh boo-hoo. Are you really so fucking stupid that you don't see it?

''See wot?''

''She's in love with you, fucktard.''

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