Chapter 9

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At 2 a.m., Murdoc got home frustrated and tired. He was so exhausted he threw himself on the couch, too tired to go to bed, and went through every event of this horrible night. Well, just imagine this.

A rather strange couple sits in the diner, and The Beatles play. You might know them as the Gorillaz' bassist and the girl who cheated on Gorillaz' singer with that particular bassist.

"This might not be bad," Murdoc thinks to himself.

Across the table sits a thin brunette, well he assumes she's thin due to her bony face and hands, she's smoking a cigarette and she hands one to him. He notices it is hand wrapped, but still takes it and lights it, gratefully inhaling the smoke. The waiter comes.

"What would you like to order?" he asks cheerfully.

"Um, a beer, for starters... And an ashtray, yeah?" Paula looks up and smiles her buck-toothed smile.

"And for the gentleman?"

"A glass o' juice, mate," Murdoc gives Paula a smug grin.

"Coming right up," the waiter gives them a small bow and leaves, picking up their menus.

"Juice?" Paula stares in disbelief, "C'mon Murdoc, you can't 'ave fun with juice..."


Murdoc facepalms at the memory of this. She made him drink juice. Well she didn't exactly make him, but he was afraid to drink alchohol. Juice! He was Murdoc Niccals and he had to drink juice so he wouldn't be under the influence and God forbid do something stupid, like have sex with her.



Paula chuggs on her beer while Murdoc finishes his cigarette quietly.

"So 'ow's life?" she asks.

"Pretty good, y'know. The new track is out, fans going crazy... Regular rockstar life," he takes a sip from his glass and frowns at the unusual taste.

"Well everybody likes you, Mudz. 'andsome, talented... But I 'ear you're still single," she purrs and puts her hand on his, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Well, ya heard wrong," he grinns, pulling his hand from under hers and putting in in his lap. "I 'ave a girlfriend," this was the first time he actually said it and was feeling quite proud about it.

"What?" she shouts and frowns.

Half of the people in the diner turn their way and glare at them.

Paula coughs and lowers her head, looking at them apologetically.

"So," she continues quietly, "who is she? Should I be jealous?" she gives a nervous laugh.

"Well, she certainly plays guitar better than ya..." Murdoc winks at her.

"No. No way," Paula's eyes widen and she glares daggers at him.

Murdoc nodds.

"But she's like half yer age for God's sake... That little whore, " Paula mutters the last bit to herself but Murdoc still hears her.

"I should go, if you 'aven't got anything else smart to say. My girlfriend is probably waiting for me at home," Murdoc smiles mockingly, standing up to leave, finishing his juice in one sip.

"Wait!" Paula says sternly, also getting up.

As she gets up he notices her belly is big, really big, and rounded.

"As you probably haven't noticed, you dick, I'm pregnant," she says.

"As a matter of fact I just have, yeah," he backs away, putting his jacket on, "I feel sorry for that kid, since you'll be raising him."

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